Solid Edge Assembly Type Library
SimplifiedAssembly Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method DeleteSimplifiedAssemblyDeletes a Simplified Assembly.
Public Method EditVisibleFacesEdits the parameters for Visible faces
Public Method GetVisibleFaceInputsGets the parameters for the Visible faces
Public Method SaveSimplifiedAssemblyAsSaves the simplified assembly
Public Method UpdateSimplifiedAssemblyUpdates the simplified Assembly with new values
Public Properties
Public Property ActivateSimplifiedAssemblyActivates the simplified Assembly
Public Property ApplicationGets the application object
Public Property ParentGets the parent object
Public Property SimplificationTypeGets the type of simplification i.e Visible or Modeled
Public Property SimplifiedModelGets the interface to the Simplified Assembly model Part document
Public Property TypeThis method returns the Automation Type.
See Also

SimplifiedAssembly Object

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