Solid Edge Revision Manager Object Library
GetDocState Method
Specifies the file name for which to obtain status.
Member of the DocumentStatus constant set that specifies the status of the specified file.
This method returns the document state for the specified file.
Visual Basic
Public Function GetDocState( _
   ByVal UrlToGetStateFor As String, _
   ByRef docState As Variant _
) As Long
Specifies the file name for which to obtain status.
Member of the DocumentStatus constant set that specifies the status of the specified file.
This API is only supported up to Solid Edge V15. Later versions of Solid Edge and Revision Manager do not support it. This is because, GetDocState API does query with property URI "urn:schemas-Microsoft-com:publishing:documentstate". This is a SharePoint V1 portal server property URI that indicates the current document state, such as createdcheckedin, createdcheckedout, publishedcheckedout or publishedcheckedin. This URI does not work for SharePoint V2.
See Also

IInsight Object  | IInsight Members