Solid Edge ST7 SDK
Solid Edge ST4 MP4 - Readme

Legal Notices
©2012 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc.

All Rights Reserved
Software, file formats, and audiovisual displays may be used pursuant to the
applicable Software License Agreement and contain confidential and proprietary
information of Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc.; which is
protected by copyright and trade secret law. Such materials may not be reproduced
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End of Legal Notices

Release Notes:

Product:        Solid Edge
Date:           29-Feb-2012

Maintenance Packs are all inclusive and can be installed on top of the base
release or any released Maintenance Pack.

This Maintenance Pack can be installed on top of Versions:,,, or

End of Release Notes

Installation Notes:

After downloading the Maintenance Pack to your machine, unbundle the zip file and
then dbl click on exe to install the Maintenance Pack.

Windows 7 Installation tips: In addition to turning off UAC, right click on the exe
and select "run as administrator" to complete the installation.

Windows 7 Tip: Most of the UAC security conflicts on Win7 can be avoided by installing
Solid Edge somewhere other than the default “Program Files” folder. Install in a location
like c:\SolidEdge\ that the user has full permission to write to.

End of Installation

This Maintenance Pack addresses the following PRs:


PR 2186499: Added ArrangeWindows API to application automation object
PR 1880652: Regression in ModelNode.IncludeInPartsList API
PR 1870918: Error if use API function Feature->Item()
PR 1866671: Skip the Query of non-need Parameter in API SaveAsFlatDXFEx
PR 2185290: ReBend api fails


PR 1878230: Performance problem caused by a loop in the associated graph
PR 2177784: Memory usage goes up when you put the cursor over a Simplified Assembly
PR 2184189: Wrong fittings presented after modifying a pipe route
PR 6637551: pathfinder locate is not working in ERA manual explode command
PR 1871721: Pipe route being offset after changing an indirect parent
PR 6644521: SW Translator fails to translate Muti-Body files
PR 1873964: Web Publisher not working on a 32-bit installation
PR 1875446: Inconsistent item numbers in Draft due to replace
PR 1884297: cannot reorder copied sketches in part pathfinder
PR 2180814: Editing this part file causes Solid Edge to crash
PR 2183520: Resolved random aborts in draft
PR 6587167: When transferring renamed components, they take on new names
PR 6621873: Weld bead leaks under part
PR 1884912: Display clipping does not work correctly when assembly features are present
PR 1682348: Assembly features not working on frames and normal features in subassemblies
PR 1874030: assembly features missing in subassemblies of FOA members
PR 6421755: Failed Constraints after Replacing Sub-Assembly in Assembly
PR 6612747: Abort after using Animation Editor


PR 1878737: Layer is lost when Parts List is opened in ST2 or later
PR 1879397: Empty callout symbol is visible on created pdf and print
PR 1882031: Scale moves position when legacy file is opened
PR 6607642: resolved random crashes
PR 6629915: Length of Weld Not Displaying Correctly, and Draft Crashing
PR 1878851: Property text doesn't update after change to parts list
PR 2186167: updating a broken view with broken out section caused dimensions to detach
PR 2188107: User painted edges are appearing in file open in ST3
PR 1882594: Solid Edge is crashing when you rename an opened block
PR 1884347: Format codes to modify property text output cause reference to change
PR 2174995: some lines not displaying when the V15 draft file is opened
PR 6630591: Resolved a performance problem when locating callouts
PR 1883798: Unable to save assembly file to a 3D PDF with a D&D License
PR 1886005: measure area result varies in this file
PR 2174959: Unnecessary hatching is displayed in this draft file
PR 6646879: Point added to leader can only be moved below the horizontal line
PR 1883256: Multiline textbox from ST3 changes justification when opened in ST4
PR 6640013: Stretching Connectors locks Solid Edge
PR 6669348: DV layer override capability erroneously displays hidden layers

===Part/Profile/Sheet Metal===

PR 1869930: Conflicting relationship message is missing
PR 6645209: Cannot view unprocessed plots for buckling study
PR 6645361: Unexpected result trying to move a part face
PR 1880039: hole diameter does not match variable/ part/ draft
PR 1884859: abort issue from add draft command
PR 6619201: Components not locating in boreline order from Assembly
PR 1880722: Mounting boss problems after modification
PR 2187904: Abort when placing a coplanar face relate in Assembly
PR 6664590: Crash on Copy/Paste of dimension with class fit tolerance
PR 6645336: Edge crashes on app close after going into FOP and AA table
PR 1876381: Adding a cutout to the pattern will delete holes
PR 6659724: Crash editing profile Dimple, Drawn cutout, Bead etc
PR 6664695: c-bore does not update with transition to a sync part
PR 6669152: Cannot select nodes with Probe on one side of bolted connection


PR 6619831: ST3 is slower than V20 after OK 'Select Documents and Folders' dialog

===Solid Edge Embedded Client===

PR 6637263: Teamcenter error shown on saving a part file without assigning values to mapped prop
PR 6575712: Desc: SEEC Diagnostic tool in ST4 gives strange results
PR 6653508: SEEC Save As not working after upgrading to TC 8.3.3
PR 1883259: Saving a Draft file into a Teamcenter with more than 32 characters crashes
