Solid Edge Assembly Type Library
Apply Method

If it is not supplied, there is no activation override. If it is true, all parts are activated. If it is false, all parts are deactivated.

If it is not supplied, there is no simplify override. If it is true, all parts are simplified. If it is false, all parts are as designed.

Applies the configuration.
Visual Basic
Public Sub Apply( _
   Optional ByVal ActivationOverride As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal SimplifyOverride As Variant _

If it is not supplied, there is no activation override. If it is true, all parts are activated. If it is false, all parts are deactivated.


If it is not supplied, there is no simplify override. If it is true, all parts are simplified. If it is false, all parts are as designed.

This method applies the current configuration settings and redisplays the object.
See Also

Configuration Object  | Configuration Members