Solid Edge Assembly Type Library
GetSelectSetPhysicalPropsRelativeToCoordSystem Method
Returns the mass of the assembly.
Returns the volume of the assembly.
Returns the surface area of the assembly.
Returns the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the center of gravity of the assembly.
Returns the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the center of volume of the assembly, made with respect to the global origin.
Returns the lxx, lyy, lzz, lxy, lxz, and lyz components of the global moments of inertia.
Returns the orientation of the first principal axis.
Returns the orientation of the second principal axis.
Returns the orientation of the third principal axis.
Returns the lxx, lyy, and lzz components of the principal moments of inertia.
Returns three values that specify the radii of gyration.
Returns the physical property calculations for the active selection set relative to a coordinate system.
Visual Basic
Public Sub GetSelectSetPhysicalPropsRelativeToCoordSystem( _
   ByVal CoordinateSystem As Object, _
   ByRef Mass As Double, _
   ByRef Volume As Double, _
   ByRef Area As Double, _
   ByRef CenterOfMass() As Double, _
   ByRef CenterOfVolume() As Double, _
   ByRef GlobalMoments() As Double, _
   ByRef PrincipalAxis1() As Double, _
   ByRef PrincipalAxis2() As Double, _
   ByRef PrincipalAxis3() As Double, _
   ByRef PrincipalMoments() As Double, _
   ByRef RadiiOfGyration() As Double _
Returns the mass of the assembly.
Returns the volume of the assembly.
Returns the surface area of the assembly.
Returns the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the center of gravity of the assembly.
Returns the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the center of volume of the assembly, made with respect to the global origin.
Returns the lxx, lyy, lzz, lxy, lxz, and lyz components of the global moments of inertia.
Returns the orientation of the first principal axis.
Returns the orientation of the second principal axis.
Returns the orientation of the third principal axis.
Returns the lxx, lyy, and lzz components of the principal moments of inertia.
Returns three values that specify the radii of gyration.
If no parts or subassemblies are part of the selection set, the physical properties are computed for the entire assembly.
See Also

PhysicalProperties Object  | PhysicalProperties Members