Solid Edge Draft Type Library
SheetWindow Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method ActivateMakes the referenced object the active one.
Public Method ActivateNextMakes the window after the referenced one the active window.
Public Method ActivatePreviousMakes the window before the referenced one the active window.
Public Method BeginSheetViewDynamicsSets up the view for fast display dynamics.
Public Method CloseCloses the referenced object.
Public Method CopyPlaces a copy of the referenced object on the clipboard.
Public Method CutMoves the referenced object to the system clipboard.
Public Method DeselectSheetDeselects a given sheet.
Public Method EndSheetViewDynamicsEnds the fast display dynamics.
Public Method FitChanges the scale of the referenced object to fit within a frame.
Public Method FitExFits according to the specified option.
Public Method GetOriginReturns the origin for the referenced object.
Public Method KeyReturns a key (a string) to find the object relative to its owning parents.
Public Method ModelToWindowTranforms model coordinates to window coordinates.
Public Method PanApplies a specified offset to the window contents in window coordinates.
Public Method PasteCopies the data from the system clipboard to the referenced object.
Public Method PrintOutPrints the contents of the referenced object.
Public Method SaveAsImageSaves the current view as an image.
Public Method SelectSheetSelects a specified sheet.
Public Method SetOriginRedefines the offset between the lower left corner of the window and the object's origin.
Public Method UpdateRefreshes the display of the sheet window.
Public Method WindowToModelTranforms window coordinates to model coordinates.
Public Method ZoomAreaChanges the viewing area to a range specified in window coordinates.
Public Method ZoomAreaExChanges the viewing area to a range specified in sheet coordinates.
Public Properties
Public Property ActiveSectionReturns the active sheet's Section object. Sheets are grouped into sections: WorkingSection, BackgroundSection, and 2dModelSection.
Public Property ActiveSectionTypeSpecifies the type of Section that the active sheet is a member of.
Public Property ActiveSheetReturns the active Sheet object.
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property AttributeSetsReturns the AttributeSets collection object for the referenced object.
Public Property BackdropReturns the BackDrop object for the referenced SheetWindow object.
Public Property CaptionSets and returns the caption of the referenced object.
Public Property Display2DModelSheetTab
Public Property DisplayAsPrintedSpecifies whether or not the objects that belong to the referenced SheetWindow object are displayed as they will print.
Public Property DisplayBackgroundSheetTabs
Public Property DisplayHScrollSpecifies whether or not the horizontal scroll bar is displayed.
Public Property DisplaySheetTabsSpecifies whether or not sheet tabs for the referenced SheetWindow object are displayed.
Public Property DisplayVScrollSpecifies whether or not the vertical scroll bar is displayed.
Public Property DisplayWorkingSheetTabs
Public Property EnvironmentReturns the Environment object for the referenced Window object.
Public Property HeightReturns the height of the referenced object.
Public Property hWndReturns the window handle for the referenced object.
Public Property IconReturns the collapse icon handle (HICON) for the referenced Window object.
Public Property IndexReturns the numeric index for the active object.
Public Property IsAttributeSetPresentReturns True if a specified Attribute Set exists on the referenced object.
Public Property LeftSpecifies the distance (in twips) between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property SelectedSheetsReturns a collection of all selected sheets in the referenced window.
Public Property SelectSetReturns the current selection set for the referenced document.
Public Property SheetTabRatioSets and returns the ratio of the width of the window sheet tabs to the width of the window horizontal scrollbar.
Public Property TopSets and returns the distance from the top edge of the physical screen to the top edge of the main application window.
Public Property TransparentDisplaySpecifies whether or not transparent display is on.
Public Property TypeSpecifies the type of the object being referenced.
Public Property UsableHeightReturns the height of the usable vertical space in the application window area.
Public Property UsableWidthReturns the height of the usable vertical space in the application window area.
Public Property VisibleSpecifies whether or not the referenced object is displayed to the screen.
Public Property WidthReturns the width of the referenced object.
Public Property WindowNumberReturns the window number of the referenced Window object.
Public Property WindowStateSets and returns the state of the referenced window.
Public Property ZoomSets and returns the display size of the window contents.
See Also

SheetWindow Object