Solid Edge Geometry Type Library
Body Object
Provides a set of interfaces that allow you to access the topological and sense data that is related to the object.
Object Model
Body ObjectFaceStyle Object
The Body object represents the top-most entity that pulls together related surface-based objects. It is often the top-level node of a B-rep tree that consists of one or more Shells, which in turn consist of one or more Faces with corresponding surface geometry. A Shell is a collection of connected Faces, each of which shares at least an Edge with another Face in this set. The Body does not necessarily enclose a volume. Surface models that are composed of stitched faces can also be represented as a Body. In this case, the Shells may not be topologically closed. That is, they may not enclose an unambiguous volume. A Body can also consist of standalone Faces that do not share any topology with each other. In such a situation, there can be no Shells. This object can be accessed only from the Model object. From a Body object, you can access Face, Edge, and Vertex objects directly.
See Also

Body Members