Solid Edge Part Type Library
Add Method
Specifies the PropertyTableDefinition object that defines the AttachedPropertyTable that will be attached to the input array of objects.
Specifies the number of objects to which the AttachedPropertyTable will be attached.
Array of PropertyFilterTypeConstants. Specifies the filters to apply to the array of objects to which the AttachedPropertyTable will be attached.
Array of Objects. Specifies the objects to which the AttachedPropertyTable will be attached.
Specifies the name of the AttachedPropertyTable.
Adds an occurrence of the referenced object.
Visual Basic
Public Function Add( _
   ByVal PropertyTableDefinition As PropertyTableDefinition, _
   ByVal NumObjects As Long, _
   ByRef SelectFilter() As PropertyFilterTypeConstants, _
   ByRef AttachedTo() As Object, _
   Optional ByVal Name As Variant _
) As AttachedPropertyTable
Specifies the PropertyTableDefinition object that defines the AttachedPropertyTable that will be attached to the input array of objects.
Specifies the number of objects to which the AttachedPropertyTable will be attached.
sePropertyFilterTypeEdgeProperty Filter Type - Edge
sePropertyFilterTypeEdgeChainProperty Filter Type - Edge Chain
sePropertyFilterTypeFaceProperty Filter Type - Face
sePropertyFilterTypeFaceChainProperty Filter Type - Face Chain
sePropertyFilterTypeFeatureEdgesProperty Filter Type - Feature Edges
sePropertyFilterTypeFeatureFacesProperty Filter Type - Feature Faces
sePropertyFilterTypeVertexProperty Filter Type - Vertex
Array of PropertyFilterTypeConstants. Specifies the filters to apply to the array of objects to which the AttachedPropertyTable will be attached.
Array of Objects. Specifies the objects to which the AttachedPropertyTable will be attached.
Specifies the name of the AttachedPropertyTable.
See Also

AttachedPropertyTables Collection  | AttachedPropertyTables Members