Solid Edge Part Type Library
Add Method
Specifies the number of faces on which the curve is drawn.
Specifies the faces on which the curve is drawn.
Specifies the number of points that define the curve.
Specifies the x,y,z points that define the curve.
Specifies the faces or edges on which the points are defined. This order must match the order in PointSet.
Specifies whether the curve is open or closed.
Adds an occurrence of the referenced object.
Visual Basic
Public Function Add( _
   ByVal NumFacesOnWhichCurveNeedsToBeDrawn As Long, _
   ByRef FacesOnWhichTheCurveIsDarwn() As Object, _
   ByVal NumPoints As Long, _
   ByRef PointSet() As Double, _
   ByRef FaceOrEdgeOnWhichNodePointsAreDefined() As Object, _
   ByVal bOpen As Boolean _
) As ContourCurve
Specifies the number of faces on which the curve is drawn.
Specifies the faces on which the curve is drawn.
Specifies the number of points that define the curve.
Specifies the x,y,z points that define the curve.
Specifies the faces or edges on which the points are defined. This order must match the order in PointSet.
Specifies whether the curve is open or closed.
See Also

ContourCurves Collection  | ContourCurves Members