Solid Edge Part Type Library
Add Method
Specifies the displacement along the x axis of the base coordinate system.
Specifies the displacement along the y axis of the base coordinate system.
Specifies the displacement along the z axis of the base coordinate system.
Specifies the angular orientation about the x axis of the base coordinate system.
Specifies the angular orientation about the y axis of the base coordinate system.
Specifies the angular orientation about the z axis of the base coordinate system.
Adds an occurrence of the referenced object.
Visual Basic
Public Function Add( _
   Optional ByVal XOffset As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal YOffset As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal ZOffset As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal XRotation As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal YRotation As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal ZRotation As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal RotateRelativeToParent As Variant _
) As CoordinateSystem
Specifies the displacement along the x axis of the base coordinate system.
Specifies the displacement along the y axis of the base coordinate system.
Specifies the displacement along the z axis of the base coordinate system.
Specifies the angular orientation about the x axis of the base coordinate system.
Specifies the angular orientation about the y axis of the base coordinate system.
Specifies the angular orientation about the z axis of the base coordinate system.
The Add method creates a CoordinateSystem object and adds each of its input parameters as editable variables in the variable table.
See Also

CoordinateSystems Collection  | CoordinateSystems Members