Solid Edge Part Type Library
AddRelativeToCoordinateSystem Method
Specifies the CoordinateSystem object relative to which the coordinate system is to be placed.
Required if the origin is specified based on a key point.
Required if the origin is specified based on a key point. A member of KeyPointType constant set that specifies where the key point lies on the edge.
Specifies the displacement along the x-axis of the relative to coordinate system.
Specifies the displacement along the y-axis of the relative to coordinate system.
Specifies the displacement along the z-axis of the relative to coordinate system.
Specifies the angular orientation about the x-axis of the relative to coordinate system.
Specifies the angular orientation about the y-axis of the relative to coordinate system.
Specifies the angular orientation about the z-axis of the relative to coordinate system.
Creates a Coordinate System which is relative to other CoordinateSystem.
Visual Basic
Public Function AddRelativeToCoordinateSystem( _
   ByVal RelativeToCoordSystem As CoordinateSystem, _
   Optional ByVal AnyEdgeToDefineOrigin As Object, _
   Optional ByVal KeyPointFlags As KeyPointType = 0, _
   Optional ByVal XOffset As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal YOffset As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal ZOffset As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal XRotation As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal YRotation As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal ZRotation As Variant _
) As CoordinateSystem
Specifies the CoordinateSystem object relative to which the coordinate system is to be placed.
Required if the origin is specified based on a key point.
igKeyPointCallbackKeypoint Type - Callback
igKeyPointCenterKeypoint Type - Center
igKeyPointEndKeypoint Type - End
igKeyPointHorizontalSilhouetteKeypoint Type - Horizontal Silhouette
igKeyPointInteriorNodeKeypoint Type - Interior Node
igKeyPointInteriorPoleKeypoint Type - Interior Pole
igKeyPointMajorAxisKeypoint Type - Major Axis
igKeyPointMiddleKeypoint Type - Middle
igKeyPointMinorAxisKeypoint Type - Minor Axis
igKeyPointNonDefiningKeypoint Type - Non-defining
igKeyPointPointOnlyKeypoint Type - Point Only
igKeyPointStartKeypoint Type - Start
igKeyPointVerticalSilhouetteKeypoint Type - Vertical Silhouette
Required if the origin is specified based on a key point. A member of KeyPointType constant set that specifies where the key point lies on the edge.
Specifies the displacement along the x-axis of the relative to coordinate system.
Specifies the displacement along the y-axis of the relative to coordinate system.
Specifies the displacement along the z-axis of the relative to coordinate system.
Specifies the angular orientation about the x-axis of the relative to coordinate system.
Specifies the angular orientation about the y-axis of the relative to coordinate system.
Specifies the angular orientation about the z-axis of the relative to coordinate system.
The AddRelativeToCoordinateSystem method adds a CoordinateSystem relative to the specified coordinate system. The offset and orientation values will be applied relative to the input coordinate system.
See Also

CoordinateSystems Collection  | CoordinateSystems Members