Solid Edge Part Type Library
EditRelativeToCoordinateSystem Method
If True, specifies that the referenced coordinate system is made non-relative. If False, the coordinate system is made relative.
Specifies the CoordinateSystem object relative to which the coordinate system is to be placed.
Specifies the edge on which the point lies.
Member of the KeyPointType constant set that specifies where the key point lies on the edge.
Specifies the displacement along the x-axis of the relative to coordinate system.
Specifies the displacement along the y-axis of the relative to coordinate system.
Specifies the displacement along the z-axis of the relative to coordinate system.
Specifies the angular orientation about the x-axis of the relative to coordinate system.
Specifies the angular orientation about the y-axis of the relative to coordinate system.
Specifies the angular orientation about the z-axis of the relative to coordinate system.
Edit the RelativeTo Coordinate System.
Visual Basic
Public Sub EditRelativeToCoordinateSystem( _
   ByVal MakeThisCoordSysNonRelative As Boolean, _
   Optional ByVal RelativeToCoordSystem As CoordinateSystem, _
   Optional ByVal AnyEdgeToDefineOrigin As Object, _
   Optional ByVal KeyPointFlags As KeyPointType = 0, _
   Optional ByVal XOffset As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal YOffset As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal ZOffset As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal XRotation As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal YRotation As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal ZRotation As Variant _
If True, specifies that the referenced coordinate system is made non-relative. If False, the coordinate system is made relative.
Specifies the CoordinateSystem object relative to which the coordinate system is to be placed.
Specifies the edge on which the point lies.
igKeyPointCallbackKeypoint Type - Callback
igKeyPointCenterKeypoint Type - Center
igKeyPointEndKeypoint Type - End
igKeyPointHorizontalSilhouetteKeypoint Type - Horizontal Silhouette
igKeyPointInteriorNodeKeypoint Type - Interior Node
igKeyPointInteriorPoleKeypoint Type - Interior Pole
igKeyPointMajorAxisKeypoint Type - Major Axis
igKeyPointMiddleKeypoint Type - Middle
igKeyPointMinorAxisKeypoint Type - Minor Axis
igKeyPointNonDefiningKeypoint Type - Non-defining
igKeyPointPointOnlyKeypoint Type - Point Only
igKeyPointStartKeypoint Type - Start
igKeyPointVerticalSilhouetteKeypoint Type - Vertical Silhouette
Member of the KeyPointType constant set that specifies where the key point lies on the edge.
Specifies the displacement along the x-axis of the relative to coordinate system.
Specifies the displacement along the y-axis of the relative to coordinate system.
Specifies the displacement along the z-axis of the relative to coordinate system.
Specifies the angular orientation about the x-axis of the relative to coordinate system.
Specifies the angular orientation about the y-axis of the relative to coordinate system.
Specifies the angular orientation about the z-axis of the relative to coordinate system.
This method edits the referenced CoordinateSystem to be either relative or non-relative.
See Also

CoordinateSystem Object  | CoordinateSystem Members