Solid Edge Part Type Library
GetOrientation Method
Returns the value of the offset of the user-defined coordinate system from the x axis of the base coordinate system.
Returns the value of the offset of the user-defined coordinate system from the y axis of the base coordinate system.
Returns the value of the offset of the user-defined coordinate system from the z axis of the base coordinate system.
Returns the value of the rotation about the x axis of the user-defined coordinate system with respect to the base coordinate system.
Returns the value of the rotation about the y axis of the user-defined coordinate system with respect to the base coordinate system.
Returns the value of the rotation about the z axis of the user-defined coordinate system with respect to the base coordinate system.
Specifies whether the translation and/or rotation is returned relative to the parent coordinate system.
Returns the value of the first rotation about the z axis.
Returns the offsets and angular orientations about the axes of the base coordinate system for the referenced CoordinateSystem object.
Visual Basic
Public Sub GetOrientation( _
   Optional ByRef XOffset As Variant, _
   Optional ByRef YOffset As Variant, _
   Optional ByRef ZOffset As Variant, _
   Optional ByRef XRotation As Variant, _
   Optional ByRef YRotation As Variant, _
   Optional ByRef ZRotation As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal RelativeToParent As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal ZFirstRotation As Variant _
Returns the value of the offset of the user-defined coordinate system from the x axis of the base coordinate system.
Returns the value of the offset of the user-defined coordinate system from the y axis of the base coordinate system.
Returns the value of the offset of the user-defined coordinate system from the z axis of the base coordinate system.
Returns the value of the rotation about the x axis of the user-defined coordinate system with respect to the base coordinate system.
Returns the value of the rotation about the y axis of the user-defined coordinate system with respect to the base coordinate system.
Returns the value of the rotation about the z axis of the user-defined coordinate system with respect to the base coordinate system.
Specifies whether the translation and/or rotation is returned relative to the parent coordinate system.
Returns the value of the first rotation about the z axis.
See Also

CoordinateSystem Object  | CoordinateSystem Members