Solid Edge Part Type Library
Edges Property
Returns a collection of edges of a specified type that belong to a model, a feature, or a topology collection of faces.
Property type
Read-only property
Visual Basic
Public Property Edges( _
   ByVal EdgeType As FeatureTopologyQueryTypeConstants _
) As Object
igQueryAllFeature Topology Query Type - All
igQueryConeFeature Topology Query Type - Cone
igQueryCylinderFeature Topology Query Type - Cylinder
igQueryEllipseFeature Topology Query Type - Ellipse
igQueryPlaneFeature Topology Query Type - Plane
igQueryRoundableFeature Topology Query Type - Roundable
igQuerySphereFeature Topology Query Type - Sphere
igQuerySplineFeature Topology Query Type - Spline
igQueryStraightFeature Topology Query Type - Straight
igQueryTorusFeature Topology Query Type - Torus
The result of the Edges property is a topology collection. This topology collection is a temporary collection and is overwritten the next time the Edges, Faces, or FacesByRay property is used. By default, the Edges property returns all edges for the object. The topology collection can be restricted to a specified type of edge by supplying a value (from the FeatureTopologyQueryTypeConstants constant set) for the EdgeType argument for the feature objects only. For example, this property can be set to return all ellipse edges, straight edges, and so forth.
See Also

CopiedPart Object  | CopiedPart Members