Solid Edge Part Type Library
EmbossFeature Object
Object Model
EmbossFeature ObjectApplication ObjectSelectSet CollectionAddIns CollectionApplication ObjectApplicationEvents ObjectApplicationV8DocumentOpenEvent ObjectApplicationWindowEvents ObjectCommand ObjectCustomization ObjectDocuments CollectionEnvironments CollectionFeatureLibraryEvents ObjectFileUIEvents ObjectMatTable ObjectInsight ObjectNewFileUIEvents ObjectApplication ObjectSEECEvents ObjectShortcutMenuEvents ObjectSolidEdgeInsightXT ObjectSolidEdgeTCE ObjectWindows CollectionSuppressVariable ObjectApplication Object
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class EmbossFeature

    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim objApplication As SolidEdgeFramework.Application = Nothing
        Dim objDoc As SolidEdgePart.SheetMetalDocument = Nothing
        Dim objEdges As SolidEdgeGeometry.Edges = Nothing
        Dim objTargetBody As Object
        Dim objToolBodies(0 To 0) As Object
        Dim objEmbossFeatures As SolidEdgePart.EmbossFeatures = Nothing
        Dim objEmbossFeature As SolidEdgePart.EmbossFeature = Nothing
        Dim objModel As Object
        Dim objType As Type = Nothing

        Dim numToolsFromFeature As Integer
        Dim objFeatureSetToolBodies(0 To 1) As Object
        Dim objFeatureToolBodies(0 To 0) As Object
        Dim objFeatureGetToolBodies(0 To 1) As Object
        Dim objFeatureSetTargetBody As Object

            ' Create/get the application with specific settings
            objApplication = Marshal.GetActiveObject("SolidEdge.Application")

            If objApplication Is Nothing Then
                ' Get the type from the Solid Edge ProgID
                objType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("SolidEdge.Application")
                ' Start Solid Edge
                objApplication = Activator.CreateInstance(objType)
                ' Make Solid Edge visible
                objApplication.Visible = True
            End If
            ' Get the active document.
            objDoc = objApplication.ActiveDocument()

            'Creation API:-
            objModel = objDoc.Models.Item(1)
            objTargetBody = objModel.Body()
            objToolBodies(0) = objDoc.Models.Item(2).Body()

            objEmbossFeatures = objModel.EmbossFeatures
            If objEmbossFeatures Is Nothing Then
                MsgBox("Failed to get the EmbossFeatures collection")
            End If

            objEmbossFeature = objEmbossFeatures.Add(objTargetBody,

            If objEmbossFeature Is Nothing Then
                MsgBox("Failed to Add Emboss Feature")
            End If
            ' Check the status of ordered Bead Feature
            If objDoc.ModelingMode = SolidEdgePart.ModelingModeConstants.seModelingModeOrdered Then

                If objEmbossFeature.Status <> SolidEdgePart.FeatureStatusConstants.igFeatureOK Then
                    MsgBox("Error in the Creation of Emboss Feature object")

                End If
            End If
            'Getting and Setting of Feature Parameters:-

            ' Getting the Emboss Feature Values
            ' ********** 1. Thicken **********
            If objEmbossFeature.Thicken = False Then
                MsgBox("Error in the Creation of Emboss Feature object - Thicken Parent wrong")
            End If
            ' ********** 2. Side **********
            If objEmbossFeature.Side() <> True Then
                MsgBox("Error in the Creation of Emboss Feature object - Side Parent wrong")
            End If
            ' ********** 3. Clearance **********
            If Math.Abs(objEmbossFeature.Clearance() - 0.001) > 0.00001 Then
                MsgBox("Error in the Creation of Emboss Feature object - ClearanceValue wrong")
            End If
            ' ********** 4. Die Round Option **********
            If objEmbossFeature.DieRounding() <> SolidEdgePart.FeaturePropertyConstants.igAddRound Then
                MsgBox("Error in the Creation of Emboss Feature object - Die Round Option wrong")
            End If
            ' ********** 5. Punch Round Option **********
            If objEmbossFeature.PunchSideRounding() <> SolidEdgePart.FeaturePropertyConstants.igCornerRound Then
                MsgBox("Error in the Creation of Emboss Feature object - Punch Round Option wrong")
            End If
            ' ********** 6. Die Radius **********
            If Math.Abs(objEmbossFeature.DieRadius() - 0.002) > 0.00001 Then
                MsgBox("Error in the Creation of Emboss Feature object - Die Round Radius Value wrong")
            End If
            ' ********** 7. Punch Side Radius **********
            If Math.Abs(objEmbossFeature.PunchSideRadius() - 0.003) > 0.00001 Then
                MsgBox("Error in the Creation of Emboss Feature object - Punch Round Radius Value wrong")
            End If

            ' ********** 8. Tools **********
            Call objEmbossFeature.GetEmbossToolBodies(numToolsFromFeature, objFeatureToolBodies)
            If numToolsFromFeature <> 1 Then
                MsgBox("Error in the Creation of Emboss Feature object - Tools Parent wrong")
            End If

            If objFeatureToolBodies(0) Is Nothing Then
                MsgBox("Error in the Creation of Emboss Feature object - Tool Parent wrong")
            End If

            ' ********** 9. Target **********
            If objEmbossFeature.EmbossTarget() Is Nothing Then
                MsgBox("Error in the Creation of Emboss Feature object - Target Parent wrong")
            End If

            ' Setting the Emboss Feature Values

            ' ********** 1. Punch Side Radius Value Set **********
            objEmbossFeature.PunchSideRadius = 0.002
            If Math.Abs(objEmbossFeature.PunchSideRadius() - 0.002) > 0.00001 Then
                MsgBox("Error in the Creation of Emboss Feature object - Punch Round Radius Value not set")
            End If
            ' ********** 2. Die  Radius Value Set **********
            objEmbossFeature.DieRadius = 0.001
            If Math.Abs(objEmbossFeature.DieRadius() - 0.001) > 0.00001 Then
                MsgBox("Error in the Creation of Emboss Feature object - Die Round Radius Value not set")
            End If
            ' ********** 3. Punch Side Round Option **********
            objEmbossFeature.PunchSideRounding = SolidEdgePart.FeaturePropertyConstants.igNoRound
            If objEmbossFeature.PunchSideRounding() <> SolidEdgePart.FeaturePropertyConstants.igNoRound Then
                MsgBox("Error in the Creation of Emboss Feature object - Punch Side Round Value not set")
            End If
            ' ********** 4. Die Side Round Option **********
            objEmbossFeature.DieRounding = SolidEdgePart.FeaturePropertyConstants.igNoRound
            If objEmbossFeature.DieRounding() <> SolidEdgePart.FeaturePropertyConstants.igNoRound Then
                MsgBox("Error in the Creation of Emboss Feature object - Die Round Value not set")
            End If
            ' ********** 5. Side   **********
            objEmbossFeature.Side = False
            If objEmbossFeature.Side() <> False Then
                MsgBox("Error in the Creation of Emboss Feature object - Side Value not set")
            End If
            ' ********** 6. Clearance   **********
            objEmbossFeature.Clearance = 0.0
            If Math.Abs(objEmbossFeature.Clearance() - 0.0) > 0.00001 Then
                MsgBox("Error in the Creation of Emboss Feature object - Clearance Value not set")
            End If

            ' ********** 7. Tools **********
            numToolsFromFeature = 2
            objFeatureSetToolBodies(0) = objDoc.Models.Item(2).Body()
            objFeatureSetToolBodies(1) = objDoc.Models.Item(3).Body()

            objEmbossFeature.SetEmbossToolBodies(numToolsFromFeature, objFeatureSetToolBodies)

            numToolsFromFeature = 0
            objEmbossFeature.GetEmbossToolBodies(numToolsFromFeature, objFeatureGetToolBodies)
            If numToolsFromFeature <> 2 Then
                MsgBox("Error in the Creation of Emboss Feature object - Tools Parent wrong")
            End If

            For value As Integer = 0 To (numToolsFromFeature - 1)
                If objFeatureGetToolBodies(value) Is Nothing Then
                    MsgBox("Error in the Creation of Emboss Feature object - Tool Parent wrong")
                End If

            ' ********** 8. Target **********
            objFeatureSetTargetBody = objDoc.Models.Item(4).Body()
            objEmbossFeature.EmbossTarget = objFeatureSetTargetBody
            If objEmbossFeature.EmbossTarget() Is Nothing Then
                MsgBox("Error in the Creation of Emboss Feature object - Target Parent wrong")
            End If

            ' ********** 9. Thicken   **********
            objEmbossFeature.Thicken = False
            If objEmbossFeature.Thicken() <> False Then
                MsgBox("Error in the Creation of Emboss Feature object - Thicken Value not set")
            End If

        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub
End Class
See Also

EmbossFeature Members