Solid Edge Part Type Library
FlatPatternModel Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method GetCutSizeThis method retrieves information about the cut size of the flat pattern.
Public Method GetDesignEtchBodiesReturns Etch bodies of Ordered and Sync Etches while in the Flatten enviornment.
Public Method GetStyleReturns the feature style.
Public Method MakeActive
Public Method RecomputeRecalculates the relationships among Features in the referenced Model object.
Public Method RollToFeatureRolls the referenced Model object back to a specified feature.
Public Method SaveBodySaves the body of this model to the specified document in the specified format
Public Method SetStyleSets the feature style.
Public Method UpdateUpdates the referenced Model.
Public Properties
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property AttributeSetsReturns the AttributeSets collection object for the referenced object.
Public Property BodyReturns the Body object for the referenced object.
Public Property CutSizeViolationThis read-only property sets the limit for the flat pattern cut size. If this limit is exceeded alarm icon is displayed adjacent to the flat pattern entry in PathFinder.
Public Property DeleteBlendsRepresents a collection of delete blend objects.
Public Property DeleteFacesRepresents a collection of delete face objects.
Public Property DeleteHolesRepresents a collection of delete hole objects.
Public Property DeleteRegionsRepresents a collection of delete region objects.
Public Property DisplayNameThis read-only String property returns the display name for the referenced object.
Public Property DocumentReturns the document to which the referenced object belongs.
Public Property EdgebarNameThis read-only property returns the Edgebar name of the referenced object.
Public Property EtchesReturns the Etches collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property ExtrudedCutoutsReturns the ExtrudedCutouts collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property ExtrudedProtrusionsReturns the ExtrudedProtrusions collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property FeaturesReturns the Features collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property FlatPatternsReturns the FlatPattern collection for the referenced Model.
Public Property IsAttributeSetPresentReturns True if a specified Attribute Set exists on the referenced object.
Public Property IsModelActiveThis read-only property specifies if the model is active in Solid Edge.
Public Property IsUpToDateFinds the uptodate of the referenced Model.
Public Property ModelRecomputeEventsReturns the ModelRecomputeEvents object for the referenced Model object.
Public Property NameReturns the name of the referenced object.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property RevolvedCutoutsReturns the RevolvedCutouts collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property RevolvedProtrusionsReturns the RevolvedProtrusions collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property SystemNameThis read-only String property returns the system name for the referenced object.
Public Property Tabs
See Also

FlatPatternModel Object