Solid Edge Part Type Library
Add Method
Specifies the number of elements in the EdgeArray and KeypointConstantArray.
Array of Edge objects, each containing a keypoint on the curve, that defines the order of points in the curve.
Array of KeypointType constants. Specifies the keypoint locations in the EdgeArray.
KeypointEndCondition constant that specifies how the start point of the curve relates to the rest of the curve and the surrounding geometry.
KeypointEndCondition constant that specifies how the endpoint of the curve relates to the rest of the curve and the surrounding geometry.
Adds an occurrence of the referenced object.
Visual Basic
Public Function Add( _
   ByVal NumEdges As Long, _
   ByRef EdgeSet() As Object, _
   ByRef KeyPointTypeConstants() As KeyPointType, _
   ByVal StartpointEndType As KeypointEndConditionConstants, _
   Optional ByVal EndpointEndType As Variant _
) As KeyPointCurve
Specifies the number of elements in the EdgeArray and KeypointConstantArray.
Array of Edge objects, each containing a keypoint on the curve, that defines the order of points in the curve.
igKeyPointCallbackKeypoint Type - Callback
igKeyPointCenterKeypoint Type - Center
igKeyPointEndKeypoint Type - End
igKeyPointHorizontalSilhouetteKeypoint Type - Horizontal Silhouette
igKeyPointInteriorNodeKeypoint Type - Interior Node
igKeyPointInteriorPoleKeypoint Type - Interior Pole
igKeyPointMajorAxisKeypoint Type - Major Axis
igKeyPointMiddleKeypoint Type - Middle
igKeyPointMinorAxisKeypoint Type - Minor Axis
igKeyPointNonDefiningKeypoint Type - Non-defining
igKeyPointPointOnlyKeypoint Type - Point Only
igKeyPointStartKeypoint Type - Start
igKeyPointVerticalSilhouetteKeypoint Type - Vertical Silhouette
Array of KeypointType constants. Specifies the keypoint locations in the EdgeArray.
seKeypointEndConditionCurvatureContinuousKeypoint End Condition - Curvature Continuous
seKeypointEndConditionNaturalKeypoint End Condition - Natural
seKeypointEndConditionNormalToFaceKeypoint End Condition - Normal To Face
seKeypointEndConditionPeriodicKeypoint End Condition - Periodic
seKeypointEndConditionTangentKeypoint End Condition - Tangent
KeypointEndCondition constant that specifies how the start point of the curve relates to the rest of the curve and the surrounding geometry.
KeypointEndCondition constant that specifies how the endpoint of the curve relates to the rest of the curve and the surrounding geometry.
StartpointEndCondition: If seKeypointEndConditionPeriodic, then the curve is closed on itself, and the EndpointEndCondition is not required. The KeypointCurve fails if the EndpointEndCondition is supplied but is not periodic. If seKeypointEndConditionNatural, then the curve is open, and the StartParentEdge is not required. The start point of the curve is not forced to be tangent to the Edge that contains the start point; the curvature at that point is dictated solely by the other points in the curve. If seKeypointEndConditionTangent, then the curve is open, and the StartParentEdge is required. The initial EndPointDerivMagnitude value is automatically calculated, and the curve is forced to be tangent to the Edge that contains the start point. EndpointEndCondition: If seKeypointEndConditionPeriodic, StartpointEndCondition must also be Periodic. If seKeypointEndConditionNatural, then the curve is open, and the EndParentEdge is not required. The endpoint of the curve is not forced to be tangent to the Edge that contains the endpoint; the curvature at that point is dictated solely by the other points in the curve. If seKeypointEndConditionTangent, then the curve is open, and the EndParentEdge is required. The initial EndPointDerivMagnitude value is automatically calculated, and the curve is forced to be tangent to the the Edge that contains the endpoint.
See Also

KeyPointCurves Collection  | KeyPointCurves Members