Solid Edge Part Type Library
Edges Property
Returns a collection of edges of a specified type that belong to a model, a feature, or a topology collection of faces.
Property type
Read-only property
Visual Basic
Public Property Edges( _
   ByVal EdgeType As FeatureTopologyQueryTypeConstants _
) As Object
igQueryAllFeature Topology Query Type - All
igQueryConeFeature Topology Query Type - Cone
igQueryCylinderFeature Topology Query Type - Cylinder
igQueryEllipseFeature Topology Query Type - Ellipse
igQueryPlaneFeature Topology Query Type - Plane
igQueryRoundableFeature Topology Query Type - Roundable
igQuerySphereFeature Topology Query Type - Sphere
igQuerySplineFeature Topology Query Type - Spline
igQueryStraightFeature Topology Query Type - Straight
igQueryTorusFeature Topology Query Type - Torus
See Also

RuledSurface Object  | RuledSurface Members