Solid Edge Part Type Library
ComputePhysicalPropertiesRelativeToCoordinateSystem Method
Specifies the density to use in the physical property calculations.
Specifies the accuracy used when computing the physical properties.
Specifies the bead density value.
Specifies the coordinate system relative to which the properties should be computed.
Returns the volume of the model.
Returns the surface area of the model.
Returns the mass of the model.
Returns three double values to indicate the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the center of gravity of the model.
Returns three double values to indicate the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the center of volume of the model.
Returns six double values to indicate the Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixy, Ixz, and Iyz components of the global moments of inertia of the model.
Returns three double values to indicate the lxx, lyy, and lzz components of the principal moments of inertia of the model.
Returns nine double values to indicate the orientation of the principal axes of the model.
Returns three double values to indicate the radii of gyration of the model.
Returns a double value to indicate the actual accuracy achieved when calculating the physical properties. The accuracy parameter specifies the maximum accuracy, but, depending on the geometry of the model, the physical properties can be calculated more accurately.
Returns an integer value that indicates the status of the physical properties of the model.
Computes Physical Properties relative to the given coordinate system.
Visual Basic
Public Sub ComputePhysicalPropertiesRelativeToCoordinateSystem( _
   ByVal Density As Double, _
   ByVal Accuracy As Double, _
   ByVal BeadDensity As Double, _
   ByVal CoordinateSystem As Object, _
   ByRef Volume As Double, _
   ByRef Area As Double, _
   ByRef Mass As Double, _
   ByRef CenterOfGravity() As Double, _
   ByRef CenterOfVolume() As Double, _
   ByRef GlobalMomentsOfInteria() As Double, _
   ByRef PrincipalMomentsOfInteria() As Double, _
   ByRef PrincipalAxes() As Double, _
   ByRef RadiiOfGyration() As Double, _
   ByRef RelativeAccuracyAchieved As Double, _
   ByRef Status As Integer _
Specifies the density to use in the physical property calculations.
Specifies the accuracy used when computing the physical properties.
Specifies the bead density value.
Specifies the coordinate system relative to which the properties should be computed.
Returns the volume of the model.
Returns the surface area of the model.
Returns the mass of the model.
Returns three double values to indicate the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the center of gravity of the model.
Returns three double values to indicate the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the center of volume of the model.
Returns six double values to indicate the Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixy, Ixz, and Iyz components of the global moments of inertia of the model.
Returns three double values to indicate the lxx, lyy, and lzz components of the principal moments of inertia of the model.
Returns nine double values to indicate the orientation of the principal axes of the model.
Returns three double values to indicate the radii of gyration of the model.
Returns a double value to indicate the actual accuracy achieved when calculating the physical properties. The accuracy parameter specifies the maximum accuracy, but, depending on the geometry of the model, the physical properties can be calculated more accurately.
Returns an integer value that indicates the status of the physical properties of the model.
It is assumed that there is one part per file. This method acts on all solid geometry in the file and includes disjoint features. When no properties have previously been computed, ComputePhysicalPropertiesRelativeToCoordinateSystem computes and returns the physical properties of the model. When properties have previously been computed but are out of date, ComputePhysicalPropertiesRelativeToCoordinateSystem recomputes and then returns the physical properties of the model. When properties have previously been computed but are up to date, ComputePhysicalPropertiesRelativeToCoordinateSystem returns the physical properties of the model without recalculating.
See Also

WeldmentModel Object  | WeldmentModel Members