Solid Edge ST7 SDK
Solid Edge V16 SP4 - Readme

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Release Notes:

Product:        Solid Edge
Date:           28-Jan-2005

This release of Solid Edge has been certified to run on the following:
 • Windows 2000 Professional® operating system running Service Pack 4.
 • Windows XP Professional® operating system running Service Pack 1 or 2.
 • Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher

This Update should be installed on top of Solid Edge Version:,,,

End of Release Notes

This Update addresses the following:


PR 1370173: Fixed a crash during assembly file-open.
PR 2043475: Fixed a problem with assembly highlight-related aborts.
PR 5085166: Fixed a crash when Assembly Reports is run and Format button is clicked.
PR 1368331: Fixed a problem where the Frames were not getting deleted properly.
PR 1369165: Fixed a problem where missing holes after edit of ADPF feature
PR 1373517: Fixed a problem with an inability to delete pipes from the assembly file.
PR 2041609: Fixed a problem with the "As Last Saved" setting on pre-v14 files.
PR 2044976: Fixed a problem with remembering the "As Last Saved" setting in files saved in v15.
PR 5051308: Fixed a problem where modifying end conditions for frames was not working correctly.
PR 5085109: Fixed a problem where system library placement is not listing the connect constraints.
PR 1376701: Fixed a random abort in File-->New experienced with Temp folder being full.
PR 1342142: Fixed a problem where assembly features fail to place correctly when a weldment template is missing.
PR 1370740: Fixed a problem where a crash occurred while editing a tube definition in XpresRoute.
PR 2043463: Fixed a crash in the check interference command.
PR 5117140: Fixes a crash during locate in sketch/profile environment.
PR 1361427: Fixed a problem that was impacting performance of assembly pattern across the network.
PR 2044391: Fixed a problem that will improve display performance.
PR 5101661: Fixed a problem with orientation of texture assignments with rotated textures.

PR 1365661: Fixed a problem where opening some files was causing Solid Edge to abort.
PR 2039441: Fixed a crash that occurs when applying a round.
PR 5097613: Fixed a crash in the select tool command
PR 5107078: Fixed a crash when entries are deleted from the Save As Flat DXF Options Table
PR 1319482: Fixed a problem causing missing tangent lines in Draft
PR 1346525: Fixes a performance problem with new feature creation.
PR 2041862: Fixed a problem with moving the mouse from the mouse service object after bring up QuickPick.
PR 2043404: Fixed a problem with leaving the starting point of profile plane selected when edited
PR 2043432: Fixed a problem where bead features did not recompute the same when going from V12 to V15
PR 5106457: Fixed a problem where FOP has failed features after recomputing
PR 2044029: Fixed a regression problem during recomputes for loft.
PR 2044153: Fixed a regression problem in dim value change recompute case.
PR 5101680: Fixes a problem with thinfeature recompute.
PR 1375582: Fixed a problem related to Regional setting changes.
PR 5110245: Fixed a problem where Material Thickness was changing when modifying construction Part Copy

PR 5080284: Fixed a problem that was causing Solid Edge to abort when importing a dxf file.
PR 1374593: Fixed a problem with an incomplete SAT data import is fixed
PR 2044405: Fixed a performance problem in VOP wizard when placing multiple views of files that contain tube centerlines.
PR 5096143: Fixed a problem with copying nested groups.
PR 5082629: Fixed a non-reproducible crash when editing cutting plane line
PR 5094553: Fixed a problem using edge painter on bend centerlines.
PR 5109963: Fixed a problem saving out to DXF.
PR 5110247: Fixed a problem that lead to an abort with views that contain assembly features.
PR 5112068: Fixed a problem with text font failures when bringing AutoCAD file.
PR 1319482: Fixed a problem with flat pattern missing tangent lines in Draft.
PR 1376349: Fixed a problem where dynamic edit on two sketches at the same time corrupts file.
PR 4913705: Fixed a problem that caused the drawing view shading to not match the VHL very closely.
PR 5038568: Restored function where Hide Edges with fence select selects elements that the fence crosses.
PR 5109263: Fixed a problem where dimensions are losing their style and some of the textboxes are not showing text.
PR 2044387: Changes have been made to improve display performance.

PR 2043930: Fixed a problem closing subassemblies via automation.
PR 1357095: Added automation support for Structural Frames
PR 1364773: Added support to obtain the total frame cut length and the individual frame component cut length.


PR 5103388: Fixed a problem causing the help about version information to display wrong
PR 1364541: Fixed a problem with pathfinder display after undo checked out after closing without saving
PR 1372335: Fixed a problem where project property Material does get synchronized.
PR 5085032: Fixed a problem where LCA fails to move the large datasets
PR 5085979: Fixed a problem when overwriting a destination file in LCA the SERevisionRoot is getting the DocID of the original file moved through LCA.
PR 5095693: Fixed a memory leak after dismissing Property Manager dialog.
PR 5103479: Fixed a problem where Rev. Man. doesn't find linked parts in a sub-assembly
PR 5106708: Fixed a problem with the developer logging string for JSPV2_GetAllSites
PR 1331777: Fixed a problem where Insight Connect Properties were not saved with PCF file from Prop Mgr
PR 5096346: Fixed a problem with custom property updates.
PR 1376233: Fixed a problem where file->close command is trying to checkin files which already checked in.
PR 5087371: Fixed a problem where RevMgr is replacing one part for another will not fix links on all Where Used doc.
PR 5117797: Optimized validation of searchscope.txt entries.
PR 5115502: Fixed a problem with Link Resolution Algorithm which is based on common folder '\Insight\'between container path and absolute path.
PR 5108099: Fixed a problem where a few files the Insight Cache says that the file is checked out when the file is actually checked in on the server.


PR 5106452: Fixed a problem to correct a display problem during certain steps in typical MoldTooling workflows.

