Solid Edge ST7 SDK
Solid Edge V20 SP7 - Readme

Legal Notices
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Release Notes:

Product:        Solid Edge
Date:           13-Jun-2008

This release of Solid Edge has been certified to run on the following:
    • Windows XP Professional® operating system (32 bit or 64 bit)
    • Windows Vista Business® or Vista Enterprise® operating system (32 bit or 64 bit)
    • Internet Explorer 7.0 (IE 6.0 minimum)

This Update can be instaled installed on top of Version:,,,,,, or

Note: Updates are all inclusive and can be installed on top of the base release
      or any released UPdate.

End of Release Notes

Installation Notes:

After downloading the Update to your machine, dbl click the downloaded file
and the Update will install.

End of Installation

This Update addresses the following Customer Reported PRs:


PR 1658066: Fixed a problem with memory allocations during IPA and Close & Return
PR 1659929: Fixed a problem where you are unable to save image of exploded views w/same light conditions as ASM
PR 1620125: Fixed a problem with locate order for connect relationship.
PR 5937925: Added support for opening CATIA V5 R18 files via the Catia V5 translator.
PR 1644714: Fixed a problem where relationships are failing when switching between members of a FOA file.
PR 1632100: Fixed a problem with assembly feature performance using suppress/unsuppress
PR 5827928: Fixed a problem where Piping Route options dialog takes an excessive time to display on VISTA
PR 5833436: Fixed a problem where Solid Edge aborts when the EdgeBar is undocked then docked.
PR 1621771: Fixed a problem with the mate relationship crashing Solid Edge after FlashFit
PR 5966107: Fixed a problem where Solid Edge aborted based on automatically submitted crashlogs
PR 1652907: Fixed a problem where disperse is not forwarding adjustable part definitions to the top-level assembly.


PR 1571394: Fixed a problem where a text profile within sketch does not work with a certain font.
PR 1558495: Fixed a problem where some letters cannot be located in text profile.
PR 5956704: Fixed a problem where Solid Edge crashes using Material Table after installing AutoCAD 2009.
PR 1662358: Fixed a problem where maintain holes in flat pattern doesn't work as expected
PR 2100604: Fixed a problem where Solid Edge crashed when deleting a section view from the part pathfinder.
PR 2096943: Fixed a problem with Dimensions are displaying as a sick dimension


PR 5946329: Fixed a problem where you cannot enter zero for break line length in V20.
PR 1630475: Fixed a problem where rotated views are not correctly translated to DWG
PR 5907488: Improved memory handling when updating shaded views in Draft.
PR 1633647: Fixed a problem where drawing views are not being marked as out-of-date after Move
PR 5965666: Fixed a problem where the Click Copy button on PropText dialog caused a low memory warning.

PR 5944321: Fixed a problem where Solid Edge crashed when closing a file after applying a style.
PR 1662455: Fixed a problem where canceling a create in place adds the document anyway.
PR 1656008: Fixed a problem where a FOA cannot be opened directly from Internet Explorer 7
