Solid Edge ST7 SDK
Working with References

This topic contains these sections:

When you work with an assembly document interactively, you can work directly with occurrences and part geometry in subassemblies. For example, you can place relationships between occurrences nested in subassemblies, you can measure distances between faces of occurrences in subassemblies, you can in-place-activate an occurrence within a sub-assembly, and you can apply face styles to occurrences within subassemblies.

Because you can use the Occurrences collection to access occurrences nested in subassemblies, and because you can access the OccurrenceDocument representing a PartDocument and access geometry within the part, it appears simple to use the automation interface to work with occurrences in subassemblies just as you would through the graphical user interface. However, this appearance is deceptive. When you work with occurrences in subassemblies, and when you work with geometry of parts in occurrences (however deeply nested), use the Reference object to create references to part geometry and to nested occurrences from the top-level assembly. Then use the Reference object to place relationships, measure distances, in-placeactivate nested occurrences, apply face styles, and so forth.

You can create Reference objects with the AssemblyDocument.CreateReference method. This method has two input parameters: an occurrence (which must be an Occurrence object), and an entity, which can be one of several different types of objects.

Analyzing Existing Assembly Relationships

When interactively placing parts in an assembly, you define relationships between parts to control their relative positions. Using the automation interface for the Assembly environment, you can access and modify properties of the assembly relationships.

Relationship objects are accessible through two collections: Relations3d on the AssemblyDocument object and Relations3d on each Part object. The Relations3d collection on the AssemblyDocument allows you to iterate through all relationships in the document. The Relations3d collection on each Part object allows you to iterate through the relationships defined for that specific part.

There are five types of 3-D relationships: AngularRelation3d, AxialRelation3d, GroundRelation3d, PlanarRelation3d, and PointRelation3d. These do not directly correlate to the interactive commands that place relationships. The relationships are as follows:

The following example shows how to use some of these relationship objects. This sample finds all of the PlanarRelation3d objects that define mates and modifies their offset values.

See Handling 'Application is Busy' and 'Call was Rejected By Callee' errors for information regarding the use of OleMessageFilter.
Analyzing Assembly Relationships in Visual Basic .NET
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Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Module Program
    <STAThread()> _
    Sub Main()
        Dim objApplication As SolidEdgeFramework.Application = Nothing
        Dim objAssembly As SolidEdgeAssembly.AssemblyDocument = Nothing
        Dim objRelations3d As SolidEdgeAssembly.Relations3d = Nothing
        Dim objRelation3d As Object = Nothing
        Dim objAngularRelation3d As SolidEdgeAssembly.AngularRelation3d = Nothing
        Dim objAxialRelation3d As SolidEdgeAssembly.AxialRelation3d = Nothing
        Dim objGroundRelation3d As SolidEdgeAssembly.GroundRelation3d = Nothing
        Dim objPointRelation3d As SolidEdgeAssembly.PointRelation3d = Nothing
        Dim objPlanarRelation3d As SolidEdgeAssembly.PlanarRelation3d = Nothing


            ' Connect to a running instance of Solid Edge
            objApplication = Marshal.GetActiveObject("SolidEdge.Application")

            ' Get a reference to the active document
            objAssembly = objApplication.ActiveDocument

            ' Get a reference to the relations 3d collection
            objRelations3d = objAssembly.Relations3d

            ' Loop through the relations 3d objects
            For Each objRelation3d In objRelations3d
                ' Determine the relation type
                Select Case objRelation3d.Type
                    Case SolidEdgeFramework.ObjectType.igAngularRelation3d
                        objAngularRelation3d = objRelation3d
                    Case SolidEdgeFramework.ObjectType.igAxialRelation3d
                        objAxialRelation3d = objRelation3d
                    Case SolidEdgeFramework.ObjectType.igGroundRelation3d
                        objGroundRelation3d = objRelation3d
                    Case SolidEdgeFramework.ObjectType.igPointRelation3d
                        objPointRelation3d = objRelation3d
                    Case SolidEdgeFramework.ObjectType.igPlanarRelation3d
                        objPlanarRelation3d = objRelation3d
                End Select

        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub
End Module
Analyzing Assembly Relationships in C#
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using SolidEdgeFramework;
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace SolidEdge.SDK
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            SolidEdgeFramework.Application application = null;
            SolidEdgeAssembly.AssemblyDocument assembly = null;
            SolidEdgeAssembly.Relations3d relations3d = null;
            object relation3d = null;
            SolidEdgeAssembly.AngularRelation3d angularRelation3d = null;
            SolidEdgeAssembly.AxialRelation3d axialRelation3d = null;
            SolidEdgeAssembly.GroundRelation3d groundRelation3d = null;
            SolidEdgeAssembly.PointRelation3d pointRelation3d = null;
            SolidEdgeAssembly.PlanarRelation3d planarRelation3d = null;


                // Connect to a running instance of Solid Edge
                application = (SolidEdgeFramework.Application)

                // Get a reference to the active document
                assembly = (SolidEdgeAssembly.AssemblyDocument)

                // Get a reference to the relations 3d collection
                relations3d = assembly.Relations3d;

                // Loop through the relations 3d objects
                for (int i = 1; i <= relations3d.Count; i++)
                    relation3d = relations3d.Item(i);
                    Type type = relation3d.GetType();

                    // Get the value of the Type proprety via Reflection
                    SolidEdgeFramework.ObjectType objectType =

                    // Determine the relation type
                    switch (objectType)
                        case SolidEdgeFramework.ObjectType.igAngularRelation3d:
                            angularRelation3d = (SolidEdgeAssembly.AngularRelation3d)
                        case SolidEdgeFramework.ObjectType.igAxialRelation3d:
                            axialRelation3d = (SolidEdgeAssembly.AxialRelation3d)
                        case SolidEdgeFramework.ObjectType.igGroundRelation3d:
                            groundRelation3d = (SolidEdgeAssembly.GroundRelation3d)
                        case SolidEdgeFramework.ObjectType.igPointRelation3d:
                            pointRelation3d = (SolidEdgeAssembly.PointRelation3d)
                        case SolidEdgeFramework.ObjectType.igPlanarRelation3d:
                            planarRelation3d = (SolidEdgeAssembly.PlanarRelation3d)
            catch (System.Exception ex)
Adding New Assembly Relationships

There are five methods to define assembly relationships through the automation interface: AddAngular, AddAxial, AddGround, AddPlanar, and AddPoint. These do not exactly correspond with the assembly relationship commands that are available interactively. However, they do correspond to the relationships that the interactive commands create.

For example, the AddPlanar method can be used to create either a Mate or an Align. The inputs to the AddPlanar method are two reference objects which are described below (but they correspond to the faces being mated or aligned), a Boolean that specifies whether or not the normals to the faces are aligned (this determines whether the faces are mated or aligned), and constraining points on each face (that correspond to the locations where you would click to locate the faces when you work interactively).

The following sample demonstrates the AddAxial method. This produces the same relationship that the interactive Align command produces when you align cylindrical faces. The inputs to this method are similar to those for the AddPlanar method. The first two inputs are reference objects that represent the cylindrical faces being aligned, and the third input is the Boolean that specifies whether normals to these faces are aligned. This method does not have input parameters for the constraining points the AddPlanar method uses.

To programmatically create the relationships that the Insert interactive command creates, you would use the AddPlanar and AddAxial methods. This would define the two cylindrical faces whose axes are aligned, and it would define the two planar faces that are mated. To remove the final degree of freedom, you would edit the axial relationship and set its FixedRotate property to True.

To create a Connect relationship, use the AddPoint method. The first input parameter is a reference object corresponding to the face or edge on the first part; the second input parameter is a constant that defines which key point from the input geometry defines the connection point (for example, CenterPoint, EndPoint, MidPoint, and so forth); and the third and fourth input parameters describe the same characteristics of the second part.

Within this general description, there are some important refinements. The methods previously described refer to reference objects, which correspond to part geometry. Each Assembly relationship must store a means of retrieving the geometric Part information that defines it. When using the AddPlanar method, for example, you need to pass in references to two planar faces (or reference planes).

The AssemblyDocument object has a CreateReference method whose job is to create the reference objects. The CreateReference method takes as input an Occurrence (an object that represents a member document of the assembly—which in this case would be a part document) and an Entity. The Entity can be an Edge, Face, or RefPlane object from the Occurrence document. The Reference object stores a path to the geometric representations necessary to construct the relationships.

To create assembly relationships via the automation interface, Occurrence objects (the Part and Subassembly models that comprise the assembly) must be placed in the Assembly document. You do this with the AssemblyDocument.Occurrances.AddByFilename method. This places the Occurrence in the assembly with a ground relationship. Therefore, (except for the first Occurrence added to the assembly) before any other relationships can be applied between this Occurrence and others in the assembly, the ground relationship must be deleted.

See Handling 'Application is Busy' and 'Call was Rejected By Callee' errors for information regarding the use of OleMessageFilter.
Adding New Assembly Relationship in Visual Basic .NET
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Imports SolidEdgeGeometry
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Module Program
    <STAThread()> _
    Sub Main()
        Dim objApplication As SolidEdgeFramework.Application = Nothing
        Dim objDocuments As SolidEdgeFramework.Documents = Nothing
        Dim objAssembly As SolidEdgeAssembly.AssemblyDocument = Nothing
        Dim objOccurrences As SolidEdgeAssembly.Occurrences = Nothing
        Dim objOccurrence1 As SolidEdgeAssembly.Occurrence = Nothing
        Dim objOccurrence2 As SolidEdgeAssembly.Occurrence = Nothing
        Dim objPart As SolidEdgePart.PartDocument = Nothing
        Dim objModels As SolidEdgePart.Models = Nothing
        Dim objModel As SolidEdgePart.Model = Nothing
        Dim objRevolvedProtrusions As SolidEdgePart.RevolvedProtrusions = Nothing
        Dim objRevolvedProtrusion As SolidEdgePart.RevolvedProtrusion = Nothing
        Dim objRevolvedCutouts As SolidEdgePart.RevolvedCutouts = Nothing
        Dim objRevolvedCutout As SolidEdgePart.RevolvedCutout = Nothing
        Dim objFaces As SolidEdgeGeometry.Faces = Nothing
        Dim objFace As SolidEdgeGeometry.Face = Nothing
        Dim objGeometry As Object = Nothing
        Dim objScrewConicalFace As SolidEdgeGeometry.Face = Nothing
        Dim objNutConicalFace As SolidEdgeGeometry.Face = Nothing
        Dim objRefToCylinderInScrew As SolidEdgeFramework.Reference = Nothing
        Dim objRefToConeInNut As SolidEdgeFramework.Reference = Nothing
        Dim objRelations3d As SolidEdgeAssembly.Relations3d = Nothing
        Dim objGroundRel As SolidEdgeAssembly.GroundRelation3d = Nothing
        Dim objRelNuttoScrew As SolidEdgeAssembly.AxialRelation3d = Nothing


            ' Connect to a running instance of Solid Edge
            objApplication = Marshal.GetActiveObject("SolidEdge.Application")

            ' Get a reference to the documents collection
            objDocuments = objApplication.Documents

            ' Create a new assembly document
            objAssembly = objDocuments.Add("SolidEdge.AssemblyDocument")

            ' Get a reference to the occurrences collection
            objOccurrences = objAssembly.Occurrences

            ' Add the first occurrence
            objOccurrence1 = objOccurrences.AddByFilename("C:\Screw.par")

            ' Get a reference to the occurrence document
            objPart = objOccurrence1.OccurrenceDocument

            ' Get a reference to the models collection
            objModels = objPart.Models

            ' Get a reference to the one and only model
            objModel = objModels.Item(1)

            ' Get a reference to the revolved protrusions collection
            objRevolvedProtrusions = objModel.RevolvedProtrusions

            ' Get a reference to the first revolved protrusion
            objRevolvedProtrusion = objRevolvedProtrusions.Item(1)

            ' Get a reference to the side faces collection
            objFaces = objRevolvedProtrusion.SideFaces

            ' Loop through the faces
            For Each objFace In objFaces
                ' Get a reference to the geometry object
                objGeometry = objFace.Geometry
                If objGeometry.Type = GNTTypePropertyConstants.igCylinder Then
                    objScrewConicalFace = objFace
                    Exit For
                End If

            ' Create the first reference
            objRefToCylinderInScrew = objAssembly.CreateReference( _
              objOccurrence1, objScrewConicalFace)

            ' Add the second occurrence
            objOccurrence2 = objOccurrences.AddByFilename("C:\Nut.par")

            ' Get a reference to the occurrence document
            objPart = objOccurrence2.OccurrenceDocument

            ' Get a reference to the models collection
            objModels = objPart.Models

            ' Get a reference to the one and only model
            objModel = objModels.Item(1)

            ' Get a reference to the revolved cutouts collection
            objRevolvedCutouts = objModel.RevolvedCutouts

            ' Get a reference to the first revolved cutout
            objRevolvedCutout = objRevolvedCutouts.Item(1)

            ' Get a reference to the side faces collection
            objFaces = objRevolvedCutout.SideFaces

            ' Loop through the faces
            For Each objFace In objFaces
                objGeometry = objFace.Geometry
                If objGeometry.Type = GNTTypePropertyConstants.igCone Then
                    objNutConicalFace = objFace
                    Exit For
                End If

            ' Create the second reference
            objRefToConeInNut = objAssembly.CreateReference( _
                          objOccurrence2, objNutConicalFace)

            ' All Occurrences placed through automation are placed "Grounded."
            ' You must delete the ground constraint on the second Occurrence
            ' before you can place other relationships.
            objRelations3d = objAssembly.Relations3d
            objGroundRel = objRelations3d.Item(2)

            ' Rather than passing literal axes to the AddAxial method, pass
            ' references to conical faces, Just as you select conical faces
            ' when you use the interactive Align command.
            objRelNuttoScrew = objRelations3d.AddAxial( _
              objRefToConeInNut, objRefToCylinderInScrew, False)

        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub
End Module
Adding New Assembly Relationship in C#
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using SolidEdgeFramework;
using SolidEdgeGeometry;
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace SolidEdge.SDK
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            SolidEdgeFramework.Application application = null;
            SolidEdgeFramework.Documents documents = null;
            SolidEdgeAssembly.AssemblyDocument assembly = null;
            SolidEdgeAssembly.Occurrences occurrences = null;
            SolidEdgeAssembly.Occurrence occurrence1 = null;
            SolidEdgeAssembly.Occurrence occurrence2 = null;
            SolidEdgePart.PartDocument part = null;
            SolidEdgePart.Models models = null;
            SolidEdgePart.Model model = null;
            SolidEdgePart.RevolvedProtrusions revolvedProtrusions = null;
            SolidEdgePart.RevolvedProtrusion revolvedProtrusion = null;
            SolidEdgePart.RevolvedCutouts revolvedCutouts = null;
            SolidEdgePart.RevolvedCutout revolvedCutout = null;
            SolidEdgeGeometry.Faces faces = null;
            SolidEdgeGeometry.Face face = null;
            object geometry = null;
            SolidEdgeGeometry.Face screwConicalFace = null;
            SolidEdgeGeometry.Face nutConicalFace = null;
            SolidEdgeFramework.Reference refToCylinderInScrew = null;
            SolidEdgeFramework.Reference refToConeInNut = null;
            SolidEdgeAssembly.Relations3d relations3d = null;
            SolidEdgeAssembly.GroundRelation3d groundRelation3d = null;
            SolidEdgeAssembly.AxialRelation3d relNuttoScrew = null;


                // Connect to a running instance of Solid Edge
                application = (SolidEdgeFramework.Application)

                // Get a reference to the documents collection
                documents = application.Documents;

                // Get a reference to the active document
                assembly = (SolidEdgeAssembly.AssemblyDocument)
                  documents.Add("SolidEdge.AssemblyDocument", Missing.Value);

                // Get a reference to the occurrences collection
                occurrences = assembly.Occurrences;

                // Add the first occurrence
                occurrence1 = occurrences.AddByFilename(@"C:\Screw.par", Missing.Value);

                // Connect to a running instance of Solid Edge
                application = (SolidEdgeFramework.Application)

                // Get a reference to the documents collection
                documents = application.Documents;

                // Get a reference to the active document
                assembly = (SolidEdgeAssembly.AssemblyDocument)
                  documents.Add("SolidEdge.AssemblyDocument", Missing.Value);

                // Get a reference to the occurrences collection
                occurrences = assembly.Occurrences;

                // Add the first occurrence
                occurrence1 = occurrences.AddByFilename(@"C:\Screw.par", Missing.Value);

                // Get a reference to the one and only model
                model = models.Item(1);

                // Get a reference to the revolved cutouts collection
                revolvedCutouts = model.RevolvedCutouts;

                // Get a reference to the first revolved cutout
                revolvedCutout = revolvedCutouts.Item(1);

                // Get a reference to the side faces collection
                faces = (SolidEdgeGeometry.Faces)revolvedCutout.SideFaces;

                // Loop through the faces
                for (int i = 1; i <= faces.Count; i++)
                    // Get a reference to the face object
                    face = (SolidEdgeGeometry.Face)faces.Item(i);

                    // Get a reference to the geometry object
                    geometry = face.Geometry;

                    // Determine the face type
                    GNTTypePropertyConstants typeProperty = (GNTTypePropertyConstants)

                    if (typeProperty == GNTTypePropertyConstants.igCone)
                        nutConicalFace = face;

                // Create the second reference
                refToConeInNut = (SolidEdgeFramework.Reference)
                  assembly.CreateReference(occurrence2, nutConicalFace);

                // All Occurrences placed through automation are placed "Grounded."
                // You must delete the ground constraint on the second Occurrence
                // before you can place other relationships.
                relations3d = assembly.Relations3d;
                groundRelation3d = (SolidEdgeAssembly.GroundRelation3d)

                // Rather than passing literal axes to the AddAxial method, pass
                // references to conical faces, Just as you select conical faces
                // when you use the interactive Align command.
                relNuttoScrew = relations3d.AddAxial(

            catch (System.Exception ex)