Solid Edge ST6 SDK
Solid Edge ST2 MP12 - Readme

Legal Notices
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Release Notes:

Product:        Solid Edge
Date:           11-Feb-2011

Maintenance Packs are all inclusive and can be installed on top of the base
release or any released Maintenance Pack.

This Maintenance Pack can be installed on top of Versions:,,,,,,,,,, or

This release of Solid Edge has been certified to run on the following:

   - Windows XP Professional© operating system (32-bit or 64-bit)
   - Windows Vista Business© or Vista Enterprise© operating system (32-bit or 64-bit)
   - Windows 7 Professional©, Enterprise©, or Ultimate© operating system (32-bit or 64-bit)
   - Internet Explorer 7 or 8 (IE 6.0 minimum)

User Account Control (UAC) -- Due to continued reports of problems with Solid Edge installation and removal, Solid Edge licensing, Insight web parts and other cases writing to text files in the program folder, it is recommended that the UAC be turned off when running on Windows 7 or Vista.  

        Windows 7: Control Panel -> User Accounts -> Change User Account Control settings ->
                   Never notify

        Vista:  Control Panel -> User Accounts and Family Safety -> User Accounts ->
                Turn User Account Control Off.

End of Release Notes

Installation Notes:

After downloading the Maintenance Pack to your machine, dbl click the downloaded
file and the Maintenance Pack will install.

End of Installation

This Maintenance Pack addresses the following PRs:

PR 1826916: PropAuto.dll library in SE ST2 MP11 returns wrong string values

PR 1824462: Fixed crashes identified in the crashlog analyzer
PR 6464369: Fixed crashes identified in the crashlog analyzer
PR 6474039: Fixed crashes identified in the crashlog analyzer
PR 1819591: Assembly aborts when creating relationships

PR 2162210: Thread Display Mode changes value when Apply button is clicked on other property pages
PR 6327121: Fixed an abort on close if dim tracker has been run and something remained in the select set

=====Part/Profile/Sheet Metal=====
PR 1824158: Invalid relationships created when Relationship Colors is on
PR 6417621: Curve by table does not work with Office Pro 2010 (32 bit)
PR 6475818: Send Mail & Crashlog tracking failing under Lotus Notes
PR 6466294: MP11 will not install on a 64bit Windows 7 machine that has MP10

===== Solid Edge Embedded Client=====
PR 6401679: Save As Draft puts the part & JT data under the old item revision
PR 6458567: Crashing during Save As on large assemblies
PR 1795398: QAT customization causing uncontrolled memory growth
