Solid Edge ST6 SDK
Solid Edge ST4 MP5 - Readme

Legal Notices
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applicable Software License Agreement and contain confidential and proprietary
information of Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc.; which is
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End of Legal Notices

Release Notes:

Product:        Solid Edge
Date:           19-Apr-2012

Maintenance Packs are all inclusive and can be installed on top of the base
release or any released Maintenance Pack.

This Maintenance Pack can be installed on top of Versions:,,,, or

End of Release Notes

Installation Notes:

After downloading the Maintenance Pack to your machine, unbundle the zip file and
then dbl click on exe to install the Maintenance Pack.

Windows 7 Installation tips: In addition to turning off UAC, right click on the exe
and select "run as administrator" to complete the installation.

Windows 7 Tip: Most of the UAC security conflicts on Win7 can be avoided by installing
Solid Edge somewhere other than the default “Program Files” folder. Install in a location
like c:\SolidEdge\ that the user has full permission to write to.

End of Installation

This Maintenance Pack addresses the following PRs:


PR 1821015:  PMI sent to V&M takes a longtime to display in Model View
PR 1861802:  Cannot open a sat-file, when starting SE in a .BAT File
PR 1868801:  Alternate assembly contains an alternate subassembly where assembly hole features will not show
PR 1877996:  When you create a part in place and turn Peers edge locate on, you cannot locate lines in a sketch
PR 6421755:  Failed Constraints after Replacing SubAssembly in Assembly
PR 6672515:  Resolved an abort based on crashlog report from customer
PR 6673435:  Not able to create a tube in a managed assembly
PR 1871143:  Edit subassembly in place collapses assembly PathFinder, regression from V20
PR 2190995:  Analysis fails after making any geometry change
PR 6644503:  Option.xml not correctly updating multiple settings
PR 6359816:  Peer variable table changes size after each click
PR 6693745:  Preview of the angle relationship is unusable
PR 1883363:  fastener system cumbersome since ST4 - in German
PR 2159748: Avoid loading unnecessary subassemblies when applying a configuration
PR 6659155: Assembly has phantom parts that affect overall quantities
PR 6671239:  Problem placing adjustable assembly if View Transition option is off
PR 1873964:  Web Publisher not working on a 32-bit installation
PR 1877905:  Edge glue contact fails to work in SE Simulation
 Note: for this test case to succeed set the Mesh size from 1 to 8


PR 1887151: Table picks up unselected holes after cropping a drawing view
PR 1889621:  Imported .dwg aborts when opened
PR 1890104: Section View Caption/Suffix not shown in ST4
PR 2189889:  Unit labels are always shown in Parts List
PR 6579850:  zip files embedded in Draft
PR 6650023:  Parts List / Restore Defaults option reverts back to previous settings
PR 6663702:  Parts list property changes are not undo logged
PR 6671556:  Geometric rebinding fails to complete in some cases
PR 6672647:  Edge crashing when you set the background sheet to <null>.
PR 6676753:  Edge crashes while deleting the text contents of the text box
PR 6632879:  SEEC Linked Excel spreadsheets not being correctly uploaded
PR 6686034:  Solid Edge crashes if select FCF for edit in this workflow.
PR 6641439:  Datum Frame is not selected while Mirroring it
PR 1883345:  Drawing file takes significantly longer to open with parts list
PR 2192760:  V20 draft aborts when opened. Please repair in ST3
PR 6621865:  Create "New Drawing" from within Assembly is broken
PR 6630460: Section view of an assembly shows lines which should not be there

===Part/Profile/Sheet Metal===

PR 1811898:  Cutout has failing dimension and Pattern will fail after recomputed
PR 1873937:  Flat Pattern not using the Neutral Factor from modified Gagetable.xls file
PR 1876115:  Flatten length does not update after change in Neutral Factor in Gagetable.xls
PR 1877872:  Missing fields in the Details tag of Win explorer properties window for psm file
PR 1887502:  Chamfers change size in Flat when recomputed
PR 2168400:  When converting SE-File to JT-file the text is garbled
PR 2190528:  Transform to Synchronous sheet metal fails
PR 6582925:  Cannot move a hole
PR 6610922:  Problem keying in values and units in DEC when using a region
PR 6670827:  Part file has failed features and aborts on unsuppress or recompute
PR 6672942:  a live section dimension is not updating properly
PR 6604191:  Cannot select or work with Live Sections or the part
PR 6691451:  Jog not working in ST4 MP4
PR 6692828:  Crash when changing a set of simple holes to counterbore holes
PR 1893736:  family of parts table not reflecting correct variable values
 Note: You will need to repopulate all members for the fix to work.


PR 1883601:  FullTextCatalog can't be created when content database name contains a dash

===Solid Edge Embedded Client===

PR 1864732:  To reduce time process using SEEC api with the method "SaveAsToTeamCenter"
PR 1872273:  Problem during Save As in Multisite environment
PR 6637174:  SEEC: Multi-CAD, driven assembly component positioning problem
PR 6659060:  Manually typing Item ID followed by Assign does not update Dataset Name
PR 1849055:  Solid Edge Draft Crash, SEEC and Blocks from TC library pane
PR 6656224:  ZeroD has slow performance when using Teamcenter managed virtual assembly
PR 6599961:  Sectioning of JT overrides in RAC Structure Manager not correct
PR 6622744:  My Saved Searches inconsistencies when searches have same name
PR 1884718:  Previous value in cascading LOV not seen in CPD with save as or revise
PR 6561690:  File open will not display folder content
PR 6594474:  Add SE datasets unchecked SE dataset incorrectly added to ItemRev w/ JT
