Solid Edge ST6 SDK
Solid Edge ST MP11 - Readme

Legal Notices
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Release Notes:

Product:        Solid Edge
Date:           14-Oct-2009

This Maintenance Pack can be installed on top of Versions:,,,,,,,,,,

Note: Maintenance Packs are all inclusive and can be installed on top of the base
release or any released Maintenance Pack.

End of Release Notes

Installation Notes:

After downloading the Maintenance Pack to your machine, dbl click the downloaded
file and the Maintenance Pack will install.

End of Installation

This Maintenance Pack addresses the following PRs:


PR 1588004: Ghost lines are visible in assembly
PR 1742690: User cannot locate keypoints when placing a circular pattern
PR 2110613: Segments of XpresRoute become disconnected in this file
PR 6135731: Cannot locate part geometry for measurement in this file
PR 6183872: Fixed a crashlog abort
PR 1724903: Hole cannot be edited because of missing profile and extent type parent
PR 1685486: Replacement of a family member causes relationships to fail
PR 1750159: Crash when selecting parts within a group
PR 5949185: Assembly cutout sketch and plane not moving as part is moved
PR 6126503: Predefined archive entities were not getting copied into the active model session

=====Part/Profile/Sheet Metal=====

PR 1746654: Cannot unfold in ST
PR 1747721: Problem saving sheet metal part as ACIS file


PR 1741615: Bogus error messages when removing item count from multiple balloons
PR 2130060: Wrong angular dimensions
PR 6229940: Solid Edge Draft aborts when using the Trim command on background sheet
PR 6229622: Printing (or saving as PDF) shaded views is not working correctly with ST MP10
PR 1734926: Incorrect text display in viewer data
PR 1741621: Draft file is not saving when performing a special workflow
PR 6225522: Not getting a title block when exporting to DXF on 64 bit machine


PR 2130405: Trouble occurs when "Addin" is registered in "Quick Access Toolbar"
PR 6216674: MoldTool command images incorrect
PR 2129831: In SynchronousParts, "CopySurface.Type Property" cannot be acquired
PR 2129884: Implemented InterpartConstructions and InterpartConstruction automation methods
PR 6222930: Automation on model node: cut length and component name

===Insight/View & Markup===

PR 1747128:  Insight managed files cannot be converted to synchronous
PR 6228351:  Multi-national clients can't sync to English server

=====Embedded Client=====

PR 1703717:  Having problems changing the separator for Solid Edge dataset names
PR 6221906:  BOM mismatch due to ordered list being incorrect
PR 6224180:  Error on draft check-in after IPA and check in of assembly from draft view
