Solid Edge ST6 SDK
Solid Edge ST MP2 - What's New
Problem Reports
Item Description
PR 1690493 Fixed a problem where the Custom Edgebar tab does not show up in a legacy addin
PR 1619947 Fixed a problem where a call to SurfaceBoundaries.Add fails with 'type mismatch'.
PR 1691736 Fixed a problem where Class DividedPart does not support Automation from V100
PR 1663220 Added a Block delete API.
PR 1675689 Fixed a problem where 64-bit Solid Edge crashes in Models::AddSweptProtrusion
PR 4007438 Fixed a problem where you were unable to create previews under properties via automation
PR 1693313 Added the ability to add both a bitmap and text on UI buttons created by addins
New APIs
See Also