Solid Edge Constants Type Library
HarnessSaveAsEcadStatusConstants Enumeration
Harness Save As ECAD Status Constants
seHarnessSaveAsEcadStatus_Failed1The Save As ECAD operation has failed.
seHarnessSaveAsEcadStatus_FailedBadArgs2The Save As ECAD operation has failed. The SaveAsEcad api argument list is invalid.
seHarnessSaveAsEcadStatus_FailedBadConfig10The Save As ECAD operation has failed. The document format is invalid.
seHarnessSaveAsEcadStatus_FailedBoth9The Save As ECAD operation has failed. The component and connection document will not be created.
seHarnessSaveAsEcadStatus_FailedComps7The Save As ECAD operation has failed. A component document will not be created.
seHarnessSaveAsEcadStatus_FailedConns8The Save As ECAD operation has failed. A connection document will not be created.
seHarnessSaveAsEcadStatus_FailedDupComps5This harness contains duplicate components. The component and connection document will not be created.
seHarnessSaveAsEcadStatus_FailedDupConns6This harness contains duplicate connections. A connection document will not be created.
seHarnessSaveAsEcadStatus_FailedNoComps3This harness contains no components. A component document will not be created.
seHarnessSaveAsEcadStatus_FailedNoConns4This harness contains no connections. A connection document will not be created.
seHarnessSaveAsEcadStatus_Success0The input documents for the ECAD system have been successfully generated.
See Also

Solid Edge V18 - What's New

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