Solid Edge Constants Type Library
InsightSPUserRights Enumeration
seAddAndCustomizePages262144Insight SPV2 User Rights - Add, change, or delete ASPX pages, HTML pages, or Web Part Pages, and edit the Web site using a Windows SharePoint Services-compatible editor
seAddDelPrivateWebParts268435456Insight SPV2 User Rights -Add or remove Web Parts on a personalized Web Part Page
seAddListItems2Insight SPV2 User Rights -Add items to lists, add documents to document libraries, and add Web discussion comments
seApplyStyleSheets1048576Insight SPV2 User Rights -Apply a style sheet (.CSS file) to the Web site
seApplyThemeAndBorder524288Insight SPV2 User Rights -Apply a theme or borders to the entire Web site
seBrowseDirectories67108864Insight SPV2 User Rights -Browse directories in a Web site
seBrowseUserInfo134217728Insight SPV2 User Rights -View information about users. This right is not available through the user interface
seCancelCheckout256Insight SPV2 User Rights -Check in a document without saving the current changes
seCreatePersonalGroups16777216Insight SPV2 User Rights -Create, change, and delete site groups, including adding users to the site groups and specifying which rights are assigned to a site group
seCreateSSCSite4194304Insight SPV2 User Rights -Create a Web site using Self-Service Site Creation
seDeleteListItems8Insight SPV2 User Rights -Delete items from a list, documents from a document library, and Web discussion comments in documents
seEditListItems4Insight SPV2 User Rights -Edit items in lists, edit documents in document libraries, edit Web discussion comments in documents, and customize Web Part Pages in document libraries
seManageListPermissions1024Insight SPV2 User Rights -Grant, deny, or change user permissions to a list
seManageLists2048Insight SPV2 User Rights -Approve content in lists, add or remove columns in a list, and add or remove public views of a list
seManagePersonalViews512Insight SPV2 User Rights -Create, change, and delete personal views of lists
seManageRoles33554432Insight SPV2 User Rights -Create, change, and delete site groups, including adding users to the site groups and specifying which rights are assigned to a site group
seManageSubwebs8388608Insight SPV2 User Rights -Manage or create subsites
seManageWeb1073741824Insight SPV2 User Rights -Manage a site, including the ability to perform all administration tasks for the site and manage contents and permissions
seOpenWeb65536Insight SPV2 User Rights -Open the SharePoint Web site and get metadata related to the site, as well as see the underlying navigation structure (not exposed in the user interface).
seUpdatePersonalWebParts536870912Insight SPV2 User Rights -Update Web Parts to display personalized information
seViewListItems1Insight SPV2 User Rights -View items in lists, documents in document libraries, view Web discussion comments, and set up e-mail alerts for lists
seViewPages131072Insight SPV2 User Rights -View pages in a Web site
seViewUsageData2097152Insight SPV2 User Rights -View reports on Web site usage
See Also

Solid Edge V18 - What's New

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