Solid Edge Constants Type Library
RadialHatchElementCenterLocation Enumeration
Defines the location of hatch ellipse center
igRadialHatchElementCenterBottomLeft7Hatch ellipse center at bottom-left corner of range box
igRadialHatchElementCenterBottomMid8Hatch ellipse center at bottom-mid corner of range box
igRadialHatchElementCenterBottomRight9Hatch ellipse center at bottom-right corner of range box
igRadialHatchElementCenterMidLeft4Hatch ellipse center at mid-left corner of range box
igRadialHatchElementCenterMidMid5Hatch ellipse center at mid-mid corner of range box
igRadialHatchElementCenterMidRight6Hatch ellipse center at mid-right corner of range box
igRadialHatchElementCenterTopLeft1Hatch ellipse center at top-left corner of range box
igRadialHatchElementCenterTopMid2Hatch ellipse center at top-mid corner of range box
igRadialHatchElementCenterTopRight3Hatch ellipse center at top-right corner of range box
See Also

Solid Edge ST4 - What's New

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