Solid Edge Draft Type Library
BlockLabelOccurrence Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method GetOriginGets origin of label in coordinates of the block view
Public Method SetOriginSets origin of label in coordinates of the block view
Public Properties
Public Property AngleAngle of text in radians
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property BlockLabelReturns the Block Label associated with this label occurrence
Public Property DescriptionDescription of Block Label
Public Property GlobalWhether or not a label has the same value in all block occurrences
Public Property LayerSets and returns the named layer on which the referenced object resides.
Public Property NameBlock Label name
Public Property OriginLocationSpecifies the location of the origin with respect to the label text
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property PositionLockedWhether or not the label origin can be changed in the context of a block occurrence
Public Property PromptWhether or not user should be prompted for label value on creation of block occurrence
Public Property styleFor collection objects, Body objects, RefPlane objects, Sketch objects, CoordinateSystem objects, CommandBarButton objects, SmartFrame2d objects, View objects, and TextCharStyle objects, Style is read-write. For all other objects, Style is read-only.
Public Property valueValue of Label Occurrence
Public Property VisibleInOccurrenceWhether or not a label displays in the context of a block occurrence
See Also

BlockLabelOccurrence Object  | Solid Edge V19 - What's New

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