Solid Edge Draft Type Library
DraftPrintUtility Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method AddDocumentAdds all of the file's working sheets to list of sheets to be printed.
Public Method AddFileAdds all of the file's working sheets to list of sheets to be printed.
Public Method AddSheetAdds the working or background sheet to list of sheets to be printed.
Public Method GetMarginsMargins for print. Margin is give in Units (igDraftPrintMillimeters or igDraftPrintInches). Only valid when SheetsPerPage = igMultipleSheets.
Public Method PrintOutPrints sheets that have been added through AddDocument, AddFile, or AddSheet. List of sheets to be printed will be cleared after successful print.
Public Method RemoveAllDocumentsRemove all documents from the list of files to be printed.
Public Method SavePreferencesSave print settings to preferences.
Public Method SetMarginsMargins for print. Margin is give in Units (igDraftPrintMillimeters or igDraftPrintInches). Only valid when SheetsPerPage = igMultipleSheets.
Public Properties
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property AutoOrientSet printer orientation (portrait/landscape) based on sheet dimensions. Only valid when SheetsPerPage = igSingleSheets.
Public Property BestFitScale sheet so that it fills selected paper size. The scale cannot exceed 1.0. Only valid when SheetsPerPage = igSingleSheets. SingleSheetScale is ignored if this property is true.
Public Property CenterSheets will be centered on page. Only valid when SheetsPerPage = igSingleSheets.
Public Property CopiesNumber of copies to be printed
Public Property DisplayCutLineCut line will be printed in middle of gap. Only valid when SheetsPerPage = igMultipleSheets.
Public Property DisplaySheetBoundarySheet boundary will be printed. Only valid when SheetsPerPage = igMultipleSheets.
Public Property GapSize of gap printed between sheets. Only valid when SheetsPerPage = igMultipleSheets.
Public Property MultipleSheetScaleScale to be applied to sheets when printing. Only valid when SheetsPerPage = igMultipleSheets.
Public Property OrientationOrientation of print output - portrait or landscape. When SheetsPerPage = igSingleSheets, Orientation is only valid when AutoOrient = false.
Public Property PaperHeightHeight of paper selected for printing
Public Property PaperSizeSize of paper selected for printing. Not all sizes are supported on all printers.
Public Property PaperWidthWidth of paper selected for printing
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property PrintAsBlackAll colors will print as black.
Public Property PrinterSelected printer. The default printer will be used if not set.
Public Property PrintToFilePrint to file.
Public Property PrintToFileNamePrint file name including full path. Only valid when SheetsPerPage = igMultipleSheets.
Public Property PrintToFilePathPath to write print files. The file names will be automatically generated. Only valid when SheetsPerPage = igSingleSheets.
Public Property ScaleLineTypesLine types will scale when printing.
Public Property ScaleLineWidthsLine widths will scale when printing.
Public Property ScaleTooLargeThis property defines what action will be taken when printing a sheet that will not fit on the selected paper size. The options are igDraftPrintScaleToFit and igDraftPrintSkipDocument.
Public Property SheetsPerPagePrint either single sheet or multiple sheets per page.
Public Property SingleSheetScaleScale to be applied to sheets when printing. The scale cannot exceed 1.0. This scale is only used when Best Fit is False. Only valid when SheetsPerPage = igSingleSheets.
Public Property UnitsUnits of Margins and Gap - millimeters or inches.
Public Property UsePrinterClippingUse printer clipping algorithm.
Public Property UsePrinterMarginsUse the printer's default margins. Only valid when SheetsPerPage = igMultipleSheets.
See Also

DraftPrintUtility Object  | Solid Edge ST3 - What's New

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