Solid Edge Draft Type Library
HTHole Object Members
Public Properties
Public Property AngularLocationReturns the angular location of the hole for the referenced HTHole object.
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property CounterboreDepthSets and returns the counterbore depth.
Public Property CounterboreSizeReturns the counterbore size.
Public Property CountersinkAngleSets and returns the countersink angle.
Public Property CountersinkSizeReturns the countersink size.
Public Property DepthSets and returns the distance that the referenced object extends or removes material from a solid.
Public Property LabelReturns the label.
Public Property Notes1Sets and returns the contents of the Notes1 string.
Public Property Notes2Sets and returns the contents of the Notes2 string.
Public Property Notes3Sets and returns the contents of the Notes3 string.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property PrefixSets and returns the prefix text.
Public Property RadialLocationReturns the radial location of the hole for the referenced HTHole object.
Public Property SizeReturns the size.
Public Property SuffixSets and returns the suffix text.
Public Property ThreadSizeReturns the thread size of the hole for the referenced HTHole object.
Public Property TypeSpecifies the type of the object being referenced.
Public Property XLocationReturns the X location of the hole.
Public Property YLocationReturns the Y location of the hole.
See Also

HTHole Object

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