Solid Edge Draft Type Library
PartsList Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method ConvertToTableConvert Parts List to Table.
Public Method CopyToClipboardCopies the referenced PartsList object to the operating system clipboard.
Public Method DeleteDeletes the referenced object.
Public Method GetListOfSavedSettingsGets list of available saved settings.
Public Method GetOriginSet the origin position of the Parts List.
Public Method SetComponentSortPrioritySets the sort order of each component type.
Public Method SetOriginSets the origin position of the Table.
Public Method SetShowComponentGets and sets the option to show the components by type.
Public Method UpdateUpdates the referenced object.
Public Properties
Public Property ActiveSets this parts list as the active parts list.
Public Property AdditionalSheetsBackgroundNameGets or sets the name of background sheet for additional pages.
Public Property AnchorPointSpecifies which corner of the Table is the origin.
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property AssemblyFileNameReturns the file name of the associated assembly document for the referenced PartsList object.
Public Property CellGets the cell object which is the intersection of a row and column.
Public Property ColumnHeaderPositionGets or sets column header position.
Public Property ColumnsGets the columns collection
Public Property ConfigurationGets and sets the configuration
Public Property ConvertDeletedPartsIntoUserDefinedRowsGets and sets the option to convert deleted rows into user defined rows.
Public Property CreateNewSheetsForTableGets or sets the option to create new sheets for each page.
Public Property DataFixedRowHeightGets or sets fixed row height for data rows.
Public Property EnableGroupsGets or sets teh option to enable groups.
Public Property ExpandWeldmentSubAssembliesGets and sets the option to expand weldement sub assemblies.
Public Property FillEndOfTableWithBlankRowsGets or sets the option to fill end of page with blank rows.
Public Property FirstSheetBackgroundNameGets or sets the name of background sheet for first page.
Public Property FrameRoughCutEndClearanceGets and sets the frame rough cut end clearance.
Public Property GroupByColumnGets or sets the column to group by.
Public Property GroupsGets the groups collection.
Public Property HeaderFixedRowHeightGets or sets fixed row height for column header rows.
Public Property IsUpToDateSpecifies whether or not the parts list is up to date with respect to the 3d model it references.
Public Property ItemNumberIncrementGets and sets the increment amount for item numbers.
Public Property ItemNumberStartGets and sets the starting item number.
Public Property ListTypeType of Parts List.
Public Property MaintainSheetsWithTableSizeGets or sets the option to delete sheet when page is removed.
Public Property MarginGets or sets the margin between the text and cell border.
Public Property MarkAmbiguousValuesGets and sets the option to mark ambiguous values.
Public Property MarkAmbiguousValuesStringGets and sets the mark ambiguous values string.
Public Property MarkUnballoonedItemsGets and sets the option to mark unballooned items.
Public Property MarkUnballoonedItemsStringGets and sets the mark unballooned items string.
Public Property MaximumHeightAdditionalPagesGets or sets the maximum height of additional pages.
Public Property MaximumHeightFirstPageGets or sets the maximum height of first page.
Public Property MaximumRowsGets or sets the maximum rows per page.
Public Property MaximumRowsAdditionalPagesGets or sets the maximum rows on additinal pages.
Public Property MaximumRowsFirstPageGets or sets the maximum rows on first page.
Public Property ModelLinkReturns the ModelLink object for the referenced object.
Public Property NumberOfHeaderRowsGets or sets the number of header rows.
Public Property PageGapGets or sets the gap between pages.
Public Property PagesGets the pages collection.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property PipeRoughCutEndClearanceGets and sets the pipe rough cut end clearance.
Public Property RenumberAccordingToSortOrderGets and sets the option to renumber according to sort order.
Public Property ReverseDisplayOrderGets or sets the option to reverse display order within each page.
Public Property RowsGets the rows collection.
Public Property SavedSettingsReturns the saved settings for the referenced object.
Public Property ShowColumnHeaderGets or sets the option to show column headers.
Public Property ShowSheetBackgroundGets or sets the option to show the background sheet.
Public Property ShowTopAssemblyShow top assembly in Parts List.
Public Property TableStyleGets or sets the table style.
Public Property TitleFixedRowHeightGets or sets fixed row height for title rows.
Public Property TitlesGets the titles collection.
Public Property TotalLengthPartsListGets and sets the total length parts list option.
Public Property TotalLengthPartsList_ItemNumberSeparatorGets and sets the item number separator for the total length parts list.
Public Property UseAssemblyItemNumbersUse Assembly item numbers.
Public Property UseLevelBasedItemNumbersUse level based item numbers in exploded list.
Public Property UseUniquenessCriteria_CutLengthGets and sets the option to use cut length in the uniquenes criteria.
Public Property UseUniquenessCriteria_MassGets and sets the option to use mass in the uniquenes criteria.
Public Property UseUniquenessCriteria_MiterGets and sets the option to use miter angle in the uniquenes criteria.
Public Property WrapDataCellsToNewRowGets or sets the option to wrap data cells to new row.
See Also

PartsList Object

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