Solid Edge Draft Type Library
SheetSetup Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method ClearDrawingViewForSheetScaleAllows the user to set the sheet scale manually through SetDefaultDrawingViewScale
Public Method GetDefaultDrawingViewScaleGets the default drawing view scale.
Public Method GetDefaultDrawingViewScaleFactorGets the default drawing view scale factor.
Public Method SetDefaultDrawingViewScaleManually sets the default drawing view scale. This call has no effect if the scale is being derived from a drawing view.
Public Properties
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property DefaultDrawingViewScaleOptionSets and returns the default drawing view scale option.
Public Property DrawingViewForSheetScaleDrawing View from which sheet scale will be derived.
Public Property IsManualSheetScaleReturns true if sheet scale is not controlled by a drawing view.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property SheetHeightSets and returns the height of the sheet for the referenced SheetSetup object.
Public Property SheetSizeOptionSets and returns the size of the sheet.
Public Property SheetWidthSets and returns the width of the sheet.
See Also

SheetSetup Object

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