Solid Edge Part Type Library
CopyConstruction Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method BreakLinksBreaks external links of the referenced object
Public Method DeleteDeletes the referenced object.
Public Method DropParentsRemoves associative connection with parents, so that it can not edited or recomputed.
Public Method GetBodySelectionThis method returns the body selection settings for the referenced CopyConstruction object.
Public Method GetDimensionsReturns the Dimensions collection object for the referenced object.
Public Method GetIncludeBodiesReturns the scale of the referenced object.
Public Method GetScaleReturns the scale of the referenced object.
Public Method GetStyleReturns the feature style.
Public Method RangeReturns the high and low range values for the referenced object.
Public Method ReorderInserts the referenced object in front of or behind another feature.
Public Method RollToFeatureRolls the referenced Model object back to a specified feature.
Public Method SetBodySelectionThis method specifies the body selection settings for the referenced CopyConstruction object.
Public Method SetIncludeBodiesSets the scale of the referenced object.
Public Method SetScaleSets the scale of the referenced object.
Public Method SetStyleSets the feature style.
Public Method UpdateUpdates the external links of the referenced object
Public Properties
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property AttributeSetsReturns the AttributeSets collection object for the referenced object.
Public Property CoordinateSystemSets or Retrieves CoordinateSystem collection.
Public Property CopyColorsThis read-write Boolean property specifies whether colors are copied for the referenced CopyConstruction object.
Public Property DisplayNameThis read-only String property returns the display name for the referenced object.
Public Property EdgebarNameThis read-only property returns the Edgebar name of the referenced object.
Public Property EdgesReturns a collection of edges of a specified type that belong to a model, a feature, or a topology collection of faces.
Public Property FacesReturns a collection of faces of a specified type that belong to a model, a feature, or a topology object.
Public Property FacesByRayReturns a collection of faces that are intersected by a specified vector.
Public Property FamilyOfPartsMemberSpecifies whether or not the referenced object is a Family of Parts member.
Public Property FileNameSets and Returns the file name of the referenced document.
Public Property IncludeConstructionCurveBodiesThis read-write Boolean property specifies whether construction curve bodies are included for the referenced CopyConstruction object.
Public Property IncludeConstructionSolidBodiesThis read-write Boolean property specifies whether construction solid bodies are included for the referenced CopyConstruction object.
Public Property IncludeConstructionSurfaceBodiesThis read-write Boolean property specifies whether construction surface bodies are included for the referenced CopyConstruction object.
Public Property IncludeDesignBodyThis read-write Boolean property specifies whether the design body is included for the referenced CopyConstruction object.
Public Property IsAttributeSetPresentReturns True if a specified Attribute Set exists on the referenced object.
Public Property IsBrokenReturns the broken status of object
Public Property NameReturns the name of the referenced object.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property PlaneFor dimensions, returns the planar object used by the dimension to measure an object. For profiles, CopiedPart objects, and CopyConstruction objects, sets and returns the associated RefPlane object.
Public Property ShowDimensionsControls the display of dimensions for the feature object.
Public Property StatusReturns the status of the specified object.
Public Property SuppressTemporarily suppresses the referenced object.
Public Property SuppressVariableReturns the suppress variable object.
Public Property SystemNameThis read-only String property returns the system name for the referenced object.
Public Property TypeSpecifies the type of the object being referenced.
Public Property VisibleSpecifies whether or not the referenced object is displayed to the screen.
See Also

CopyConstruction Object

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