Solid Edge Part Type Library
FamilyMember Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method AddSuppressedFeatureAdds a feature to the list of suppressed features.
Public Method AddSuppressedRelationshipAdds a relationship to the list of suppressed relationships.
Public Method ApplyApplies the current configuration settings and redisplays the object.
Public Method DeleteDeletes the referenced object.
Public Method GetDimensionsReturns the Dimensions collection object for the referenced object.
Public Method PopulateCreates a Part document for the referenced DividedPart or FamilyMember object.
Public Method RemoveSuppressedFeatureRemoves a feature from the list of suppressed features.
Public Method RemoveSuppressedRelationshipRemoves a relationship from the list of suppressed relationship.
Public Method ReorderReorder this member either before or after the target member.
Public Method RestoreDefaultLiveRulesRestores the live rules settings to their default values.
Public Properties
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property AttributeSetsReturns the AttributeSets collection object for the referenced object.
Public Property Description
Public Property DisplayNameThis read-only String property returns the display name for the referenced object.
Public Property DocumentNameSets and returns the name of the full-path specification of the PartDocument name that contains the referenced DividedPart or FamilyMember object.
Public Property EdgebarNameThis read-only property returns the Edgebar name of the referenced object.
Public Property IsAttributeSetPresentReturns True if a specified Attribute Set exists on the referenced object.
Public Property LiveRuleTurns a live rule on or off.
Public Property MovePrecedenceControls the move precedence.
Public Property NameReturns the name of the referenced object.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property StatusReturns the status of the specified object.
Public Property SuppressedFeatureReturns the suppressed feature having a specified index of a part in a family.
Public Property SuppressedFeatureCountReturns the number of suppressed features in a family of parts.
Public Property SuppressedRelationshipReturns the suppressed relationship having a specified index in a family.
Public Property SuppressedRelationshipCountReturns the number of suppressed relationships in a family of parts.
Public Property SystemNameThis read-only String property returns the system name for the referenced object.
Public Property TypeSpecifies the type of the object being referenced.
Public Property ValueReturns the name of the application, the value of a dimension, the value of a custom property, or the value of a variable.
Public Property VariableReturns a Variable object having a specified index for the referenced FamilyMember object.
Public Property VariableCountReturns the number of variables in a FamilyMember object.
See Also

FamilyMember Object

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