Solid Edge Part Type Library
IsAttributeSetPresent Property
Returns True if a specified Attribute Set exists on the referenced object.
Property type
Read-only property
Visual Basic
Public Property IsAttributeSetPresent( _
   ByVal Name As String _
) As Boolean
Private Sub Form_Load()
    Dim objApp As SolidEdgeFramework.Application
    Dim objDoc As SolidEdgePart.PartDocument
    Dim objBaseProf(1 To 2) As SolidEdgePart.Profile
    Dim objCirc1 As SolidEdgeFrameworkSupport.Circle2d
    Dim objModel As SolidEdgePart.Model
    Dim objLoftProf(1 To 3) As SolidEdgePart.Profile
    Dim objRefPln As SolidEdgePart.RefPlane
    Dim objLoftProt As SolidEdgePart.LoftedProtrusion
    Dim objAttributeSets As Object
    Dim lngStatus As Long
    Dim xOrigin As Double, yOrigin As Double
    Dim OriginArray(1 To 3) As Variant
    Dim Origin(1 To 2) As Double
    Dim SectionTypes(1 To 3) As Long
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim bAttribSetPresent As Boolean
    ' Report errors
    Const PI = 3.14159265358979
    ' Create/get the application with specific settings
    On Error Resume Next
    Set objApp = GetObject(, "SolidEdge.Application")
    If Err Then
        Set objApp = CreateObject("SolidEdge.Application")
        Set objDoc = objApp.Documents.Add("SolidEdge.PartDocument")
        objApp.Visible = True
        Set objDoc = objApp.ActiveDocument
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    ' Create the Base Protrusion Feature
    ' Create the Base Profile
    Set objBaseProf(1) = objDoc.ProfileSets.Add.Profiles.Add(pRefPlaneDisp:=objDoc.RefPlanes(1))
    Set objCirc1 = objBaseProf(1).Circles2d.AddByCenterRadius(x:=0, y:=0, Radius:=0.02)
    ' Check for the Profile Validity
    lngStatus = objBaseProf(1).End(ValidationCriteria:=igProfileClosed)
    If lngStatus <> 0 Then
        MsgBox ("Profile not closed")
    End If
    ' Create the Protrusion
    Set objModel = objDoc.Models.AddFiniteExtrudedProtrusion(NumberOfProfiles:= _
                                                             1, ProfileArray:=objBaseProf, _
                                                             ProfilePlaneSide:=igRight, _
    objBaseProf(1).Visible = False
    ' Check the status of Base Feature
    If objModel.ExtrudedProtrusions(1).Status <> igFeatureOK Then
        MsgBox ("Error in the Creation of Base Protrusion Feature object")
    End If

    ' Create a new Profile to use as the First Section
    Set objRefPln = objDoc.RefPlanes.AddParallelByDistance(ParentPlane:= _
                                                           objDoc.RefPlanes(1), Distance:=0.05, NormalSide:=igRight)
    Set objLoftProf(1) = objDoc.ProfileSets.Add.Profiles.Add(pRefPlaneDisp:=objRefPln)
    Set objCirc1 = objLoftProf(1).Circles2d.AddByCenterRadius(x:=0, y:=0, Radius:=0.02)
    ' Get the model space origin relative to profile space.
    Call objLoftProf(1).Convert3DCoordinate(x3d:=0, y3d:=0, z3d:=0, _
                                            x2d:=xOrigin, y2d:=yOrigin)
    ' Save the coordinates to define the start point for this profile.
    Origin(1) = xOrigin
    Origin(2) = yOrigin
    OriginArray(1) = Origin
    ' End and validate the profile.
    lngStatus = objLoftProf(1).End(ValidationCriteria:=igProfileClosed)
    If lngStatus <> 0 Then
        MsgBox ("Invalid Profile")
    End If
    ' Turn off the display of the profile.
    objLoftProf(1).Visible = False
    ' Create a new reference plane.
    Set objRefPln = objDoc.RefPlanes.AddParallelByDistance( _
                    ParentPlane:=objDoc.RefPlanes(1), Distance:=0.1, _
    ' Create a new profile set and profile to use for the 2nd section.
    Set objLoftProf(2) = objDoc.ProfileSets.Add.Profiles.Add(pRefPlaneDisp:=objRefPln)
    ' Get the model space origin relative to profile space.
    Call objLoftProf(2).Convert3DCoordinate(x3d:=0, y3d:=0, z3d:=0, _
                                            x2d:=xOrigin, y2d:=yOrigin)
    ' Save the coordinates to define the start point for this profile.
    Origin(1) = xOrigin
    Origin(2) = yOrigin
    OriginArray(2) = Origin
    ' Set a reference to the Circle2d
    Set objCirc1 = objLoftProf(2).Circles2d.AddByCenterRadius(x:=0, y:=0, Radius:=0.035)

    ' End and validate the profile.
    lngStatus = objLoftProf(2).End(ValidationCriteria:=igProfileClosed)
    If lngStatus <> 0 Then
        MsgBox ("Invalid Profile")
    End If
    ' Turn off the display of the profile.
    objLoftProf(2).Visible = False
    For i = 1 To 2
        SectionTypes(i) = igProfileBasedCrossSection
    ' Build up an array of the origin positions.
    Set objLoftProt = objDoc.Models(1).LoftedProtrusions.AddSimple( _
                      NumSections:=2, CrossSections:=objLoftProf, _
                      CrossSectionTypes:=SectionTypes, Origins:=OriginArray, _
                      MaterialSide:=igLeft, StartTangentType:=igNone, _

    ' Check the Status of the Feature
    If objLoftProt.Status <> igFeatureOK Then
        MsgBox ("AddSimple method of LoftedCutouts object failed")
    End If
    ' Get the AttributeSets collection object
    Set objAttributeSets = objLoftProt.AttributeSets
    'Create an attributeset
    objAttributeSets.Add "MyAttribSet"
    'Check for the presence of Attributeset
    bAttribSetPresent = objLoftProt.IsAttributeSetPresent("MyAttribSet")
    ' Release objects
    Set objApp = Nothing
    Set objDoc = Nothing
    Set objBaseProf(1) = Nothing
    Set objBaseProf(2) = Nothing
    Set objCirc1 = Nothing
    Set objModel = Nothing
    Set objLoftProf(1) = Nothing
    Set objLoftProf(2) = Nothing
    Set objLoftProf(3) = Nothing
    Set objLoftProt = Nothing
    Set objAttributeSets = Nothing
    Set objRefPln = Nothing
End Sub
See Also

LoftedProtrusion Object  | LoftedProtrusion Members

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