Solid Edge Part Type Library
AddEqualSetback Method
Specifies the number of edges on which to place Chamfer objects.
Specifies the intersecting edges that are to be replaced with a Chamfer object.
Specifies the distance of the setbacks. This value must be greater than zero.
Creates one or more Chamfer objects from an array of edge sets.
Visual Basic
Public Function AddEqualSetback( _
   ByVal NumberOfEdgeSets As Long, _
   ByVal EdgeSetArray As Variant, _
   ByVal SetbackDistance As Double _
) As WeldChamfer
Specifies the number of edges on which to place Chamfer objects.
Specifies the intersecting edges that are to be replaced with a Chamfer object.
Specifies the distance of the setbacks. This value must be greater than zero.
An edge set consists of two intersecting edges. To use this method, the two intersecting edges of each edge set must form a 90-degree angle. The result of the AddEqualSetback method is a chamfer at the intersection of each set of edges, with equal length setbacks angled at 45 degrees. The setback distance is measured along the faces from the intersection of the edges. The setbacks determine the chamfer start and stop locations. All edge set intersections in the array will have the same setback distance.
See Also

WeldChamfers Collection  | WeldChamfers Members

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