Solid Edge ST6 SDK
Solid Edge V17 SP1 - Readme

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Release Notes:

Product:        Solid Edge
Date:           27-MAY-2005

This release of Solid Edge has been certified to run on the following:
 • Windows 2000 Professional® operating system running Service Pack 4.
 • Windows XP Professional® operating system running Service Pack 1 or 2.
 • Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher

This Update should be installed on top of Solid Edge Version:

End of Release Notes

This Update addresses the following:


PR 2048185: Fixed an abort in Assembly when unhighlighting a part reference plane.
PR 5163104: Fixed an abort in the placement of adjustable part.
PR 1391409: Fixed a problem where interparts would be broken after in-place activating and doing a save as.
PR 1392991: Fixed a problem where relationships on adjustable parts do not update correctly in Move Part.
PR 1394374: Fixed a problem with Pattern of Parts not updating correctly.
PR 2047821: Fixed a problem with the Assembly Feature pattern stagger option not update correctly
PR 5154834: Fixed a problem where Inter Part Copy fails on an assembly
PR 5162558: Fixed a problem with the "Use distance between faces" option is not being honored.
PR 5162897: Fixed a problem where a component sketch cannot be updated after precision graphics are added.
PR 5163176: Fixed a problem with not coping the style in simplified assembly.
PR 5163711: Fixed a performance problem with File Open with Hide All Components.
PR 5167306: Fixed a problem with an occurrence flag not always being reset properly.
PR 5171422: Fixed a problem so that the view style's antialias settings will function correctly.
PR 5185263: Fixed an abort in the Assemble command in some situations.
PR 1395295: Fixed a problem where assembly has two parts that do not show in draft.
PR 5096135: Added logging code to help in diagnosing save failures that users are experiencing.


PR 5153637: Fixed a problem where material name was limited to 26 characters.
PR 5167515: Fixed an abort with RMB from DynamicEdit
PR 2048022: Fixed a problem where a message box is going behind the Solid Edge window.
PR 5054338: Fixed a problem with missing letters in a text profile.
PR 5134998: Fixed a problem with assembly file open performance and inactive parts.
PR 5141089: Fixed a problem with converting a 4-edge-corner part into Sheet Metal.
PR 5155492: Fixed a problem where Resize Angle was not working properly with Undo.
PR 5159005: Fixed a problem where undoing a change to midsurface was causing the document to close.
PR 5162587: Fixed an abort in the loft command.
PR 5157321: Fixed a case-specific abort.
PR 5109132: Fixed a problem where an Iges file would not import.
PR 5153252: Fixed an abort in SheetMetal Feature Recognizer.
PR 1388943: Fixed a problem where dynamic edit would not work on angular reference planes
PR 2048356: Mass is correctly compute in assembly when 'Show units' option is off in part file.
PR 2048683: Fixed a problem where the Help button on License Wizard did not work.
PR 5170406: Fixed a problem where dimensions flip and cause feature failures when changing FOP members.
PR 5176830: Fixed a problem where adding a material name with " in it removes all other material names.
PR 2049756: Fixed a problem where the material lists will not drop down on Win2000.
PR 5187470: Fixed a problem where the material table command is not available in D&D.

PR 1390262: Fixed a problem where parts list balloon quantity is incorrect when opening a draft file without model file
PR 1395101: Fixed a problem where sub-assemblies are still included in the parts list with 'exclude reference parts' option
PR 2047071: Fixed a problem where you can't drag a center mark in "Draw in View" from one element to another
PR 2048161: Fixed a problem in View of Part where folded views had the wrong hidden and/or tangent edge settings.
PR 5159459: Fixed a problem where hidden edges are exporting to dwg as visible with layer mapping
PR 5159653: Fixed a problem where garbage syntax is written to an ini when the original seacad.ini is copied.
PR 5178744: Fixed a problem where doing a Save As Flat to DXF the translator will not distinguish colors
PR 5179033: Fixed a problem that caused drawing views to fail to update when a model file had been opened using  mapped network drive.

PR 5163304: Fixed a problem where text on toolbar buttons added using automation is corrupted.
PR 5153634: Modifications to the MechanicalModeling property set now work correctly through the API.

PR 1391901: Fixed a problem where a crash occurs during LCA.
PR 5159362: Fixed a problem where removing access for a doc lib results in no access to other doc libs in that site.
PR 1395400: Fixed a problem where setting action to copy an assembly and all parts in RevMgr was causing a silent abort.
PR 2047208: Fixed a problem where the "Where Used" area is not updated properly in revision manager.
PR 5185087: Fixed a problem where Insight connect did not work with an academic university license.
