Solid Edge ST7 SDK
Solid Edge ST2 MP1 - Readme

Legal Notices
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Software, file formats, and audiovisual displays may be used pursuant to the
applicable Software License Agreement and contain confidential and proprietary
information of Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc.; which is
protected by copyright and trade secret law. Such materials may not be reproduced
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5800 Granite Parkway
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Plano, TX. 75024

End of Legal Notices

Release Notes:

Product:        Solid Edge
Date:           04-Nov-2009

This release of Solid Edge has been certified to run on the following:

   - Windows XP Professional© operating system (32-bit or 64-bit)
   - Windows Vista Business© or Vista Enterprise© operating system (32-bit or 64-bit)
   - Windows 7 Professional© or Ultimate© operating system (32-bit or 64-bit)
   - Internet Explorer 7 or 8 (IE 6.0 minimum)

This Maintenance Pack can be installed on top of Versions:

   Note: Maintenance Packs are all inclusive and can be installed on top of the base
   release or any released Maintenance Pack.

Synchronous Sheet Metal Beta customers:

While you should see significant reliability and performance improvements, particularly in
dimensional modifications, there are some known limitations in Closed Corners and Contour Flange
at this time. These two areas have undergone significant rework and are not recommended for usage
in MP1. The major issues have been resolved, but did not make the MP1 release. More robust Closed
Corner and Contour Flange will be available in MP2. 

End of Release Notes

Installation Notes:

After downloading the Maintenance Pack to your machine, dbl click the downloaded
file and the Maintenance Pack will install.

End of Installation

This Maintenance Pack addresses the following PRs:

=====Part/Profile/Sheet Metal=====

PR 2101006: Cannot export to JT a file with these Japanese characters
PR 1745159: Cannot change bend radius in synchronous after a Flange move
PR 1747828: When Thickness chain option is OFF, direct edit results are incorrect
PR 1748078: This traditional file will not detect live rules correctly after converted to synchronous
PR 6198797: Cannot move faces on flange in this file
PR 6199459: Failure when editing a dimension to symmetric (persisted) flanges
PR 6205249: Failure rotating flange with locked angular dimension
PR 6208186: Thickness chain toggle is being ignored for converted sheet metal parts
PR 6218925: FEA Results show scalloping on a solid
PR 6222173: Delete of Flat Pattern not working if the Flat pattern pane is detached
PR 6222466: Can't select Flat Pattern in flat pattern tab
PR 6223446: Sheet Metal is allowing locked dimensions to RPF
PR 6224748: Break corner failed and no failure message was displayed
PR 6225785: rotating the face of a dimple caused a crash
PR 6225876: Coplanar relation is not showing found on Live Rule dialog
PR 6227221: Cannot edit bend radius after transform to Sheet Metal
PR 6228189: system error after editing extent of parent feature of pattern and clicking undo
PR 6228520: Close corner causes break corner to move
PR 6228717: Toggling relationship on Lives Rules causes move face to fail
PR 6229902: Problem with wrap cutout and construction geometry
PR 6236797: MP not installing on Windows 7; get multiple versions error.
PR 6237192: bend relief should be off in Traditional transform to Sheet Metal
PR 1748849: A contour flange placed across entire curved edge will not flatten
PR 6082907: Converting an empty file causes Solid Edge to shutdown
PR 6179204: Unable to edit the cylindrical cut after circular pattern
PR 6233838: Transfer form to Sheet Metal has no defined bend radius
PR 6236507: The Alignment Indicators command is missing from Sync Sheet Metal
PR 6239930: Solid Edge Simulation creates wrong Nastran input file for load on hole surface
PR 6185234: Patterns/Mirrors don't work correctly with Synchronous Sheet Metal Bend/Jog
PR 6231061: Solid Edge is crashing after selecting an edge to round
PR 6242896: Faces on Contour Flange fail to move
PR 6244998: Brackets are reversed in a model view
PR 6245082: Using Advanced Live Rules to turn off a locked dim does not work
PR 6246519: Action handle does not always move back to appropriate seed region
PR 6247466: Failure seen toggling relationship on Live Rules dialog
PR 6247689: Jog fails after mirroring features
PR 6247765: hole and pattern disappears when editing upstream pattern


PR 1685486: Replacement of a family member causes relationships to fail
PR 1724903: Hole cannot be edited because of missing profile and extent type parent
PR 1742690: Cannot locate keypoints when placing a circular pattern sketch in synchronous Assembly
PR 1750159: Crash when selecting parts within a group
PR 2110613: segments of XpresRoute become disconnected
PR 6126503: Predefined archive entities were not getting copied into the active model session
PR 6135731: Cannot locate part geometry for measurement
PR 6182695: Drag Component using physical motion causes a crash
PR 6183872: Solid Edge crashing during various operations in assembly file
PR 6226429: Direct 3D – Windows 7 – Solid Edge aborts if system goes to sleep
PR 6229429: Check Interference command- Options button disappears from command bar
PR 6229448: Assembly feature- Thread command: Options button disappears from command bar
PR 6235229: Weldment assembly feature- Label weld command: Options button disappears from command bar
PR 1696450: QuickPick problems in FlashFit with the left mouse button option set
PR 1727798: the Construction Display button not enabling correctly in the Relate commands
PR 6240147: not prompted for material when creating sync parts in place
PR 1747914: Xpress Route piping automatically generates wrong Pipe-Segments
PR 5935462: ECAD STEP file imports incorrectly into Solid Edge
PR 6003531: VS+ dialog font is much larger than in v20, doesn't match rest of UI
PR 6075333: Crashlog abort fix in the Assemble command when using sketches and reference planes
PR 6227536: Solid Edge crashes on Save All Members when in XpresRoute
PR 6229440: options button is not visible when clicking assembly relationship assistant command twice
PR 6240629: Synchronous assembly reference plane QuickBar action button is not correct
PR 6245795: Penetration types drop list doesn't match function


PR 1734926: incorrect text display in viewer data
PR 1741621: Draft not saving when performing a special workflow
PR 1747743: Save As PDF generates huge files or fails all together
PR 1750199: line weights changing on copy and paste.
PR 2130060: Wrong angular dimensions
PR 6219784: Can't get far side (dashed leader) datum target to work
PR 6225522: Not getting a title block when exporting to DXF on 64 bit machine
PR 6227494: Property Text for Balloons during parts list create has all available prop types
PR 6227722: Parts list is not out-of-date after a model node was deleted or added
PR 6228139: Saved settings get reset if any field has an embedded carriage return
PR 6229622: Printing (or saving as PDF) causes shaded views to be blank
PR 6230628: Parts list item numbers are all the same
PR 6230629: Block occurrences cannot be located in Modify commands
PR 1702644: Solid Edge crashes after undo on Broken out section delete
PR 1751251: Dimension between two drawing views is incorrect if the views have different origins
PR 6240692: Ctrl-c not working in edit block environment
PR 6097921: Callout displays incorrect diameter for non-threaded countersink hole

===Mold Tooling===

PR 6162411: Warning on the injection channels are not created
PR 6215739: Ejector pins not trimmed to the proper length
PR 6226263: Getting an error about missing thread family ID on bolts placed by mold tooling


PR 2130405: Problems occur when "Addin" is registered in "Quick Access Toolbar"
PR 1566510: OpenSave macro fails with runtime error if file has status 'in work'
PR 1729888: third party add-in added to QAT works first time but if SE is closed and re-opened
PR 2130772: CommandBarButton::BeginGroup Property has no effect
PR 2129831: In SynchronousParts, "CopySurface.Type Property" cannot be acquired
PR 2129884: Implemented InterpartConstructions and InterpartConstruction automation methods
PR 1751696: SEPreview causes application termination

===Insight/View & Markup===

PR 6205279: Add to Library in Insight creates an AddToTeamcenter*.log file
PR 6224180: Error on draft check-in after IPA and check in of assembly from draft view
PR 6227261: Default property value causes upload to fail
PR 6228351: Multi-national clients can't sync to English server
PR 6136457: anchor line for markup is not visible after close/re-open of .pcf
PR 1753397: Create Full text index with "CreateInsightFullTextIndexForWSS3.exe" fails
PR 6246861: Setting a group for Engineering Change does not work without Solid Edge Admin
PR 6246872: Users in Doc Control group cannot edit a released document

=====Embedded Client=====

PR 1744186: File Open BOM function performance
PR 6224134: Incorrect assembly structure
PR 6224510: PDF named references are not consistent
PR 6225102: Teamcenter status is not shown after the column is added to the grid
PR 6227542: revising an assembly with Structure Editor will not replace revised links
PR 6228507: AddToTeamcenter process continues to stop during mid of processing
PR 6228850: rules not followed for when datasetname length is greater than limit
PR 6229633: Actions not rolled back properly in Structure Editor for synchronous Sheet Metal Beta
PR 5772602: Unable to open files, select a file, click "Accept", you go back to the startup screen
PR 6244293: AddToTeamcenter dry run will remove Document Number property values
