Solid Edge ST7 SDK
Solid Edge ST2 MP2 - Readme

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Release Notes:

Product:        Solid Edge
Date:           04-Jan-2010

This release of Solid Edge has been certified to run on the following:

   - Windows XP Professional© operating system (32-bit or 64-bit)
   - Windows Vista Business© or Vista Enterprise© operating system (32-bit or 64-bit)
   - Windows 7 Professional© or Ultimate© operating system (32-bit or 64-bit)
   - Internet Explorer 7 or 8 (IE 6.0 minimum)

Maintenance Packs are all inclusive and can be installed on top of the base
release or any released Maintenance Pack.

This Maintenance Pack can be installed on top of Versions: or

End of Release Notes

Installation Notes:

After downloading the Maintenance Pack to your machine, dbl click the downloaded
file and the Maintenance Pack will install.

End of Installation

This Maintenance Pack addresses the following PRs:

=====Part/Profile/Sheet Metal=====

PR 2129581: Japanese JT file name is garbled in PF in V&M
PR 6179945: Unable to add draft
PR 6204548: Bend relief does not update when moving an adjacent thickness face
PR 6206765: Face move fails after specific distance
PR 6211574: After rotating a thickness faces you cannot rotate the layer face
PR 6223877: Move face precedence option resets to default if changed before move initiated
PR 6224744: Cannot change thread size of patterned threads
PR 6227329: Undo of a modify protrusion is causing the file to close
PR 6228094: Unable to move feature origin of pattern along X-axis with a dimension
PR 6247531: Error message displayed when in 2-bend Corner cmd and hitting undo
PR 6248923: Un-checking relation on Advanced Live Rules does not work the first time
PR 6250053: Cannot flatten a converted Sheet Metal part
PR 6250517: Save as Flat creates multiple collinear lines for edges of sync sheet metal part
PR 6251758: Error message displayed attempt to edit bend radius of Contour Flange
PR 6257049: Cannot move a contour flange after rotation
PR 6259575: Can no longer change length of Sync Sheet Metal flange after cutout
PR 6211426: A small piece of round is displayed when editing a flange on this part
PR 6222018: Cannot graphically select a part, not showing on QuickPick menu either
PR 6223164: 2D dims are no longer related after they are migrated to 3D in Synchronous Sheet Metal
PR 6224845: Unable to convert the provided Part file to Synchronous Sheet Metal
PR 6230907: Detached Hole removed from the model after executing Separate command
PR 6249138: Un-checking found relationship on Advanced Live Rules dialog is not remembered
PR 6251813: Simulation never finishes meshing the provided part
PR 6256298: Contour flange rotate fails with all faces in select set
PR 6256312: Rotating base causes Contour Flange thickness face to become non-parallel.
PR 6256448: Some dimensions become sick after attaching a dimple
PR 6256996: Pattern shows occurrence errors if cutout added to pattern
PR 6257012: Cannot move the entire body if there is a locked dimension
PR 6258232: Mirrored partial flange is not attaching
PR 6258248: Live Rules behavior inconsistent for move thickness face
PR 6258809: Thickness chains on adjacent Contour Flanges are not holding together
PR 6258927: Mirroring holes creates asymmetric holes
PR 6259185: Solid Edge aborts when placing a hem along chained edge in specific file
PR 6259992: Ungroup should not be available on the Contour Flange node
PR 6260577: Mirror works sometimes, fails sometimes
PR 6260592: Moving a hole occurrence moves entire pattern, Synchronous Part
PR 6260618: Bend attributes are not copied/pasted
PR 1757612: Menu Groups added to the QAT will not stay there after adding it
PR 1757659: Divide Part does not support rename of the split child anymore
PR 1759155: Results from Simulation not saved if regional settings use a comma delimiter
PR 1759335: A material assigned in Part does not get created in VS+
PR 6196233: Relate fails with Closed Corner on the face being related
PR 6215188: Extent direction arrow does not get repositioned after the feature is repositioned
PR 6221177: Failure moving a Hem
PR 6248058: The result of a Normal Cut is different between V20 and ST2
PR 6248868: Incorrect result when modifying a closed corner
PR 6254474: Unable to set shortcut to specific view orientations
PR 6256344: Rotating semi-circle flange in either direction results in a non-normal to layer face
PR 6256982: Failure moving a face with locked angular dimension
PR 6257097: Failure moving design body when Contour Flange present in model
PR 6258358: Dim handle does not display after selecting lock
PR 6259013: Cannot make the Circle cutout on Contour Flange corner lager then 4 mm
PR 6259911: Continue to get a placement error for command session after first hole failure
PR 6260504: This mirrored flange doesn't attach
PR 6260639: Delete fails when deleting internal flange
PR 6260882: Mirror of a flange fails if layer face of flange selected
PR 6261260: Solid Edge crashes when adding a hole to a pattern
PR 6261301: Etch layer missing on Options dialog for Save as Flat DXF
PR 6261368: Bend properties are not retrieved in Synchronous flat pattern environment
PR 6261494: Unable to move a face of the part
PR 6261997: Pattern will not compute after edit without doing a Recompute every time
PR 6262080: Switching directions or unlocking dimension causes part to change to old value
PR 6262886: After creating a Jog, the dimension does not rebind correctly
PR 6263249: Performance issue changing PMI Font size
PR 6264035: Editing a dimension causes a face to move in opposite direction
PR 6264602: Pattern occurrences are being placed on PF edges, pattern in bad state
PR 6264829: System locks up creating a dimple
PR 6264838: No dimple created error message, but there is a good preview
PR 6264858: Locating 'tab' is allowed in Simulation Express in Synchronous Sheet metal.
PR 6265354:  Provided Synchronous Sheet Metal files won't open
PR 6265472: Mirroring a Hem fails (does not attach)
PR 6266151: Pattern is not removing all occurrences when pattern updates
PR 6266932: Mirror fails with gussets in select set
PR 1762127: Sweep feature fails to recompute
PR 6185234: Patterns/Mirrors don't work correctly with Synchronous Sheet Metal Bend/Jog
PR 6205178: Relate fails to make thickness face coincident to Layer face on Contour Flange
PR 6208142: Moving a Hem is moving the entire tab
PR 6223189: Dimension on Contour Flange fails, move succeeds. Dim edit will succeed if ortho lock off
PR 6223848: Moving group of faces fails with thickness faces on
PR 6246910: Some feature origins are not moving with detached dimples
PR 6258954: Moving a sketch fails with an error
PR 6259025: When the 2nd and 3rd Contour Flanges are moved the widths do not remain constant
PR 6261635: The synchronous flat pattern pane is not displaying after creating a flat pattern
PR 6262187: Editing an angular dimension causes a flange to flip direction
PR 6264724: Can't change the material thickness of a transformed part
PR 6266099: Can't move two flanges
PR 6266261: Can't change corner to closed unless you delete the break corner
PR 6267815: Unable to delete the helix in this part
PR 6268312: Load value does not work the first time entered
PR 6268481: Cannot move a face in this file; no problem moving a similar coplanar face
PR 6268991: Detaching and then re-attaching a break corner looses the break corner definition
PR 6269093: After a face move the formula driven dimension is wrong
PR 6269313: Cannot delete Draft on this part
PR 6269839: Detach mirrored features and then undo causes problems on mirrored feature
PR 6271722: The feature origin for a hole is placed incorrectly with this workflow
PR 6272468: Unable to attach a pattern of flanges after detach
PR 6272515: Deleted pattern occurrence is not shown as suppressed during edit of suppression
PR 1760184:  Draft face analysis is grayed out in Solid Edge Foundation - synchronous
PR 6274676: Flat pattern causes SE to abort
PR 6210632: Dimension to Live Section Edge rebinds to wrong edge
PR 6272437: Pattern fails to create, leaves phantom objects in PathFinder, no Undo
PR 6272944: No move handle if flange pattern occurrence is selected
PR 6274702: Missing flanges on multiple thickness face select for flange creation
PR 6275465: Cannot move thickness faces on CF - Ends and bottom faces
PR 6277934: Moving thickness face fails the 2nd time


PR 6183927: Reports run from Explorer or V&M missing some part nos. and descriptions
PR 6227352: Improvements in fence selection and the Move/Rotate command in synchronous assemblies
PR 6238380: Unable to open a top-level assembly
PR 6246650: Getting an error that the part is a feature library
PR 6247615: Continue to crash working with ERA-Rendering environment
PR 2131442: All surfaces in all the provided part do not show when NX assembly is opened
PR 2133252: ST MP10 aborts while trying to import an assembly from NX3.0
PR 6146834: Solid Edge crashing when attempting to place fasteners
PR 6220404: Import of XT file using an ST assembly template hangs on import
PR 6242272: poor performance when two sketches are in assembly
PR 1757927: Spur gear result is the same with different Unit Correction values
PR 6206843: Peer locate toggle affects synchronous sketch peer locate
PR 6265168: Engineering Reference part edit deletes parts
PR 2134431: Problems changing properties in PROPERTY MANAGER
PR 6249561: Command Ribbon does not honor Japanese font size
PR 6268421:  Simulation study with weldment cannot be meshed
PR 1755806: Part is causing assembly to always save
PR 6053870: Unable to open specific Catia V5 part in Solid edge
PR 6273655: Changes to parts are lost when they are automatically inactivated


PR 1689627: property text material property is not showing last known good when file is missing
PR 1747207: symmetric diameter dimensions do not migrate
PR 1752285: Solid Edge crashes in Convert To Geometry
PR 1755410: Solid Edge crashes when opening properties dialog for parts list template
PR 1755493: DXF-export and wrong result
PR 17555536: Unable to set transparent color when inserting image
PR 6250546: Parts list is not sorting mixed numeric and alphabetic columns correctly
PR 6250988: Detail View caption moves to original location during file open
PR 6251907: Attach Dimension command does not locate key-points
PR 6255313: Part list not converting properly to ST2. Items are renumbering w/out updating
PR 6224594: Select all is not selecting cutting plane lines
PR 2124797: Dimension changes between V17 and V20
PR 2134324: Parts list / property text is not handling part weldments correctly
PR 6260815: unable to open some existing draft files
PR 6261564: Callout with custom property "Quantity" is not displaying
PR 1753646: Solid Edge aborts after entering invalid characters on the table style line type page
PR 1760167: Parts list can't be created after copy and pasted of drawing view
PR 1760971: AutoCAD-Layer name definition is ignored
PR 2132106: Creation of a break line will change the value of a dimension automatically
PR 2135361: a phantom sheet is showing up in this file
PR 6247751: Cutting plane terminators printing too thin
PR 6266794: User table is losing line feeds when opened
PR 2124797: Dimension changes when file is opened


PR 2133734: In SynchronousParts, "objFeature.Faces" cannot be acquired
PR 6268536: SEReader fails to open Assembly locked by Solid Edge
PR 1758666: DetailEditSelectAllInView does not work with Start Command API
PR 1759187: API: Parts List.CopyToClipboard method fails
PR 6272116: overwrite detected when 3dConexion add-in is running

===Insight/View & Markup===

PR 6258121: License error is displayed when opening from V&M
PR 2129578: V&M crashes if open properties dialog box of JT named in Japanese
PR 1753397: Create Full text index is failing
PR 6260575: Default values are not picked up from SharePoint for Solid Edge properties
PR 1759457: Copy alternate assemblies inherits wrong member
PR 6270672: Solid Edge crashes if closing Search dialog before list refreshes
PR 6270698: Solid Edge crashes if you click Search before old list is processed

=====Embedded Client=====

PR 6184631: SEEC open dialog is not opening according to variant rule
PR 1754089: Assembly structure links are broken with "Hide all Components"
PR 6258900: custom property specifying Item Type is incorrect
PR 1734817: Sequence Number won´t update during open of assembly
PR 1754460: SEEC does not synchronize PSE BOM although "SEEC_BOM_Synchronize=TRUE"
PR 6244979: SEEC does not update the precise BOM
PR 6253200: Light weight data leads to 0.000000 Mass Property
PR 6272401: Delivered the new set of data prep utilities
