Solid Edge ST7 SDK
Solid Edge ST2 MP5 - Readme

Legal Notices
©2010 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc.

All Rights Reserved
Software, file formats, and audiovisual displays may be used pursuant to the
applicable Software License Agreement and contain confidential and proprietary
information of Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc.; which is
protected by copyright and trade secret law. Such materials may not be reproduced
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Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc.
5800 Granite Parkway
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Plano, TX. 75024

End of Legal Notices

Release Notes:

Product:        Solid Edge
Date:           07-Apr-2010

This release of Solid Edge has been certified to run on the following:

   - Windows XP Professional© operating system (32-bit or 64-bit)
   - Windows Vista Business© or Vista Enterprise© operating system (32-bit or 64-bit)
   - Windows 7 Professional©, Enterprise©, or Ultimate© operating system (32-bit or 64-bit)
   - Internet Explorer 7 or 8 (IE 6.0 minimum)

User Account Control (UAC) -- Due to continued reports of problems with Solid Edge installation and removal, Solid Edge licensing, Insight web parts and other cases writing to text files in the program folder, it is recommended that the UAC be turned off when running on Windows 7 or Vista.  

        Windows 7: Control Panel -> User Accounts -> Change User Account Control settings ->
                   Never notify

        Vista:  Control Panel -> User Accounts and Family Safety -> User Accounts ->
                Turn User Account Control Off.

Maintenance Packs are all inclusive and can be installed on top of the base
release or any released Maintenance Pack.

This Maintenance Pack can be installed on top of Versions:,,,

End of Release Notes

Installation Notes:

After downloading the Maintenance Pack to your machine, dbl click the downloaded
file and the Maintenance Pack will install.

End of Installation

This Maintenance Pack addresses the following PRs:

=====Part/Profile/Sheet Metal=====

PR 6309592: Move faces fails after Contour Flange is created
PR 1774806: Move Face along normal causes a crash
PR 6250532: Cannot separate thread features
PR 6225694: Mix and match of internal and external threads causes flip
PR 6309497: Cannot create a Contour Flange with circular cutout close corner
PR 1775239: Rebend command fails on Lofted Flange
PR 6306564: Cannot move a bead made with a point
PR 1771620: Synchronous functionality becomes very slow due to Simulation study
PR 6308114: Opening a SAT file in ST2 does not work as it did in ST
PR 6310904: Cannot create an extruded cutout using from/to in ST as you could in V20
PR 1753614: Chamfer with equal setbacks at non perpendicular faces are not maintained
PR 6279672: Fixed distance not maintained editing 3-point dimension in the provided file
PR 6277212: A feature in the provided file fails to recompute
PR 6182369: Cannot rotate a flange with locked dimensions
PR 6295337: Curve by table yields an error in Windows 7
PR 1754685: Flat pattern length is incorrect
PR 1778169: Unable to mirror a model which includes a pattern
PR 1777789: Unbend/rebend converts an edge to Curve
PR 5777698: Section view creation fails
PR 6317234: Unable to flatten lofted flange
PR 6292472: Getting a difference in flat pattern results if a cutout exist
PR 6304690: Normal Cutout fails in simple scenario in ST2; but worked in ST
PR 6310905: Cannot access a Premium license when the license contains an XpresRoute feature
PR 6285483: Fixed distance not maintained when editing an Angular dimension by line and point
PR 6311566: SE hangs when recomputing a model with a large number of holes


PR 6310200: Scroll to part not working correctly on patterned subassemblies
PR 1777601: Performance impact in Pathfinder using read/write combo with name formula
PR 6271761: Assembly patterns do not support fill pattern region patterns
PR 1772728: Assembly pattern of a pattern is not updating correctly
PR 2138603: Solid Edge aborts after clicking on Update Physical Properties
PR 6305865: A part is missing from a sub-assembly after exporting a STEP file
PR 6310188: Selection Manager is not being displayed for inactive parts in sub-assemblies
PR 6303351: Unable to place an additional stitch weld in the provided file
PR 6314723: Pasting a material into session entities causes the tree to collapse
PR 2134733: Parts list is incorrect for an FOA member


PR 6281484: Text styles are incorrectly allowed to be deleted
PR 6292537: Poor Translation for several poly-lines in the supplied test case
PR 1774207: Grouped callout text on background sheet is not exported to AutoCAD model-space
PR 1780070: Unable to copy and paste

===Insight/View & Markup===

PR 1767221: Graphical WebPart shows an empty Edgebar when using IE8
PR 6308098: Getting an error when copying documents which have Excel links
PR 1769510: Insight warning when modifying a FOP member
PR 6294483: Revise prompts for a Save on a released document
PR 6294471: Revise does not complete correctly on ASM when using a Revision rule on file open
PR 6294205: Get no warning when opening checked-out files, all buttons enabled
PR 6216819: Undo checkout on active document doesn't disable the Save button
PR 6284707: Cannot get a full text index created
PR 6311898: Get an erroneous message about Revision rule when saving an assembly
PR 6316302: Unable to set up an Insight SQL Server user
PR 6302147: Sub-assembly cannot be moved from Available to Released

=====Embedded Client=====

PR 6310274: Deliver Overlay Templates for Teamcenter 8.1
PR 6307690: %{Sheet number} and %{Number of sheets} causes unneeded save for draft
PR 6310789: Folder dialog displays underneath the Add to Teamcenter dialog
PR 6295933: The revision rule dropdown menu will not display the last available rule
PR 6312980: Save Copy As on an Assembly doubles the quantities in Teamcenter
PR 6317107: SEEC FMS errors..... on file close upload - misleading FMS error message
PR 1694547: Problem with assemblies created by Save As from legacy Edge-Manager assemblies
PR 6322498: Driving AddToTeamcenter via a command line displays the broken links dialog
PR 6298034: Problems with memory consumption when adding customer files to Teamcenter
PR 6296650: In-Place-Activating files in SEEC can take 10-30 times longer than File/Open
PR 6321432: Manipulations in assembly bring an FMS error
PR 6324227: Enable additional instrumentation/logging
PR 6324551: From Linked 3D command does not copy the Project Name property
