Solid Edge ST7 SDK
Solid Edge ST3 MP11 - Readme

Legal Notices
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applicable Software License Agreement and contain confidential and proprietary
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End of Legal Notices

Release Notes:

Product:        Solid Edge
Date:           12-Oct-2011

Maintenance Packs are all inclusive and can be installed on top of the base
release or any released Maintenance Pack.

This Maintenance Pack can be installed on top of Versions:

End of Release Notes

Installation Notes:

After downloading the Maintenance Pack to your machine, unbundle the zip file and
then dbl click on exe to install the Maintenance Pack.

Windows 7 Installation tips: In addition to turning off UAC, right click on the exe
and select "run as administrator" to complete the installation.

Windows 7 Tip: Most of the UAC security conflicts on Win7 can be avoided by installing
Solid Edge somewhere other than the default “Program Files” folder. Install in a location
like c:\SolidEdge\ that the user has full permission to write to.

End of Installation

This Maintenance Pack addresses the following PRs:


PR 1860707: Tube creation was dramatically slowed-down in ST4 due to material update.
PR 6587188: User requests new event be fired
PR 6570990: Fixed an abort at HReGenerateSlot
PR 6590564: Fixed a problem saving 3D-PDFs via automation
PR 6562523: center-plane relationship automation support
PR 6574228: API access to Assembly variables in broken in ST4
PR 1853189: It is not possible to set/get occurrence visibility in edit mode via API
PR 6585353: BalloonDisplayedText API does not return the correct info.
PR 1861355: Product Aborts when loading a customization file with "deny" security
PR 1844579: Need Automation support for creating PMI dimensions
PR 1852602: Replace part which belongs to a part family doesn't invoke OnFileOpenUI
PR 6578131: Added automation method to get associated assembly occurrence from draft
PR 1860716: Writing properties and dynamic attributes is very slow in ST4 after placing part


PR 1855845: Text font size doesn't change on sketch dimensions
PR 1859600: Missing occurrences and failed relations (occurrence contain assembly features)
PR 2174262: Fitting angle limitation in piping
PR 2175526: Problems with fitting positioning on piping
PR 6531461: Force and constraints are OOD instead of mesh when frames are added to geometry
PR 6535224: Beam Study: Copy-Paste and Drag-Drop not working for Simulation PF in Frame Env
PR 6559191: ERA - Background image not rendering in same position
PR 6561518: Simulation elements not locating after meshing in asm for 2D surface
PR 6562216: Read Only warning not displayed while creating Round/Chamfer as ADPF
PR 6563373: Crash when changing the render mode in ERA
PR 6570441: Undo or Redo of an assembly relationship change causes 2D objects to turn off.
PR 6570551: Edge crashes after applying Edit of hole in this assembly.
PR 6572076: Edge crashes when IPA to this assy from drawing
PR 6576033: lower pathfinder reports erroneous driven info for top level sketches
PR 6571258: significant performance hit when profile has extra points
PR 6571860: docking panes disappearing after returning from sketch
PR 1857542: Piping Performance is bad on ST3MP6 XP32BIt compared to V20 XP32Bit
PR 6585987: SE not opening some assemblies with P4 license
PR 6570441: Undo or Redo of an assembly relationship change causes 2D objects to turn off
PR 1856366: editing an assembly sketch takes long time
PR 1862217: Coordinate system ignored during fit
PR 1863625: Bolted connection in simulation is causing problems with a circular array
PR 1866714: "Component Move" will not create new Relationships
PR 2173976: When editing sketches in this assembly they consistently get 'conflicting relationships'
PR 6465764: Select tool does not pick foreground geometry first
PR 6588297: Copied simulation entities are in a failed state
PR 6591625: Invalid FEA entities get pasted across documents in frame environment
PR 6591665: Crash when connectors are copied and pasted in Frame environment
PR 6594395: Beam curves in parent study are deleted when copied study is deleted
PR 6596065: Incorrect behavior after using Select CS command
PR 6596218: Having problems with selecting faces for assembly purposes

PR 1852961: Flat shading doesn't work
PR 1857692: Undesired gap between bracket and scale value in legacy drawings
PR 2173458: Apply does not work in Drawing View Properties dialog box.
PR 2174989: caption moving on drawing view on open of some pre-V20 files.
PR 2175139: visibility of files with unusual overrides opened in V18 or later.
PR 2175819: Parts list has cut length values that are ambiguous.
PR 6524410: Aspect Ratio is not maintained after exporting to AutoCAD.
PR 6539725: Text size of some Text, changes and overlaps when dwg is imported in SE
PR 6542470: Dimension fails to geometrically rebind, changes value from 6mm to 25mm
PR 6555378: Callout text wrapping mode wraps on wrong character
PR 6556885: Property text incorrectly wraps trailing characters
PR 6558826: Text Width Factor not applied on Import
PR 6559151: Parts list copy to clipboard does not include sub headers.
PR 6559159: Callout border displays when included in a block
PR 6562099: NULL callout display in disabled color.
PR 6564356: In this workflow the text is going out of box using stack option
PR 6564500: Unable to compute AutoCAD Justification points on import
PR 6564632: Annotation color not applied to Multiline text on export
PR 6566293: Unable to snap the FCF leader line perpendicular to attached entity
PR 6567615: When a Callout is selected it's hard to tell if the border is actually ON or OFF
PR 6572209: Cell is blank after using clear overrides via multi-select
PR 6572503: Parts list item number page is shifted over one column
PR 6572891: Number list attribute is lost when delete in these two cases
PR 6573387: "Weld Three Sides" modifier is enabled for a tie-to-geom option is used
PR 6574150: undo of automatic center lines creation was not available
PR 6574317: Retrieved threaded hole callout not updated in draft after modifying hole size
PR 6578739: Fixed an abort on close of SE in a certain workflow.
PR 1794331: a simple trim command has a delay of 1 min in the provided draft file
PR 6557936: PDF sheet sizes are swapped.
PR 6572180: Spell Checker changes justification and removes text
PR 1857692: Undesired gap between bracket and scale value in legacy drawings
PR 1861764: Fixed a performance problem updating a view after many additions/deletions in the model.
PR 6554650: Dimensions lose axis after update, geometric rebind in ST3
PR 6584288: Solid Edge Options in 2D Drafting cannot be accessed.
PR 1862841: Bend centerlines cannot be un-shown
PR 6588632: Principle view command is not retaining display configurations
PR 6591509: Prefix and suffix text fields are disabled for underline balloon shape in Parts
PR 6591249: AutoCAD text not visible
PR 1865390: ctrl-v pastes twice in 2D environments
PR 2174883: Dimension moves on file open
PR 6556885: Property text incorrectly wraps trailing character
PR 6563401: Text with justification in a block is not translated correctly
PR 6564632: Annotation color not applied to Multiline text on export
PR 6573301: No dynamic preview when editing dimensions in this sheet metal file
PR 6573451: Unable to place balloons in item number order
PR 6589778: Fixed a problem where the bend centerline style changes on open
PR 6593298: Unable to add text in a text box
PR 659332: Crash when changing import options
PR 1862159: Save As is not updating the 'last saved by' property
PR 6510787: Missing Sub Assemblies when translating the supplied STEP file
PR 6587995: User Template Location Folders Double in New File Dialog
PR 6590697: 3D-PDF Fails to Save

===Insight/View & Markup===

PR 6569695: INS Revise and set path operation creates duplicate files
PR 6571007: Full Text search hangs on WSS3 server
PR 6576815: seinsight.*.resx files don't have the correct filename, web page isn't
PR 6462473: Schema modifications prevent SharePoint SPs and Patches from installing
PR 6569475: Unable to open the .STL file using SE View and Markup

===Part/Profile/Sheet Metal===

PR 1856721: select from sketch features indicate under constrained profiles
PR 1857607: family of Parts populating members generate members which show no geometry
PR 1858273: SE/ST4 Beta: Etch -> Flat Patten -> do not work
PR 6553426: SE/ST4 Beta: Unable to create a rigid group with Ruled surface
PR 6559779: Using explicit keypoint ("K") workflow puts K in the extent distance field
PR 6560115: user cannot fence locate sketch points in Sync environments.
PR 6560939: Sync: Negative dimension does not produce error message.
PR 6562960: locked Sync Sheet metal model
PR 6564787: Convert to sync on managed documents leaves those documents checked out
PR 6566253: Contour flange is different with sync move
PR 6568984: View beam property command does not respond when used from QAT
PR 6569398: context menu items being disabled on PMI items after moving annotation.
PR 6570137: being unable to delete a failed horizontal/vertical relationship.
PR 6570967: Web Network un-extended end caps are rigid with web and shouldn't be
PR 6572370: The display degree symbol for angular tolerance not working on angular coordinate dim
PR 6576500: Fewer Undo steps after each sketch, ending with a system error
PR 6576956: horizontal/vertical plane Relationships not being shown in Advanced Live Rules.
PR 6571180: a 3D PDF memory leak
PR 1860681: Unable to edit dimensions in a sketch
PR 6570442: Inter-Part Copy of FOP member fails when master is changed
PR 6580444: Bends w/default bend radius are not driven by the global setting after transform
PR 1856611: Part disappears after move/zoom/rotate
PR 6584073: Entering a value that ends with 5 on number pad makes moving an element fail
PR 6587143: Deleting pattern in sync part aborts the product.
PR 6587196: Crash in Simulation Express in part file
PR 6588285: Cannot copy a study using Copy/Paste and Drag/Drop option
PR 6590932: Problem with dynamic editing of keypoint curves
PR 1860864: Dimensions, annotations, and constraints colored wrong after text profiles
PR 1862217: In legacy document Coordinate system is ignored during fit.
PR 1862813: Inconsistent unit for moments of inertia.
PR 1865114: After attempting to load a BAS file containing formula SE crashes
PR 1866125: Product aborts when using GOTO to a BlueSurf
PR 1866179: Ordered feature failure in ST4
PR 1866219: Crash while editing Keypoint-Curve
PR 2174860: replace face command fails after recompute
PR 2175943: 1 of 3 Etch features moves when flattened
PR 6572233: Hidden dimensions cannot be edit from Variable Table
PR 6572614: All occurrences when meshed are listed as "Model could not be meshed correctly"
PR 6586797: Error displayed running tangent relate and select a "split" hole.
PR 6587783: Fixed a problem that when body mesh control is used, meshing options will not apply
PR 6596948: ST4 Sync Web Network Crash

===Solid Edge Embedded Client===

PR 1843322: NX prt files are not updated/removed from SEEC cache
PR 1851218: Very low performance for AddToTeamcenter
PR 6538640: Pathfinder is not showing correct status when JT is out of date
PR 6558490: Create Asm for driven reference does not download the driven reference later
PR 6561132: Provided TAL fix for problem of SESE revise removes foreign datasets from new revision
PR 6569840: cannot save searches based on newly created searches
PR 6574166: SEEC file open performance problem against ATP server
PR 6546565: SEEC sets Prj ID for a new revision of a part in the CPD and it changes Prj id
PR 6563191: Too many getProperties calls during start-up causing a very slow login
PR 6561052: Dragging and dropping foreign sub Asm does not treat them like driven references
PR 6580414: SEEC cannot save SE dataset to Item/Rev of type Standard in OOTB TcX5.3.1.1
PR 1787480: Analyze Files does not report Broken Links
PR 1857407: SEEC Editing sub-assembly is longer when the top assembly is opened read-only
PR 1858220: UOM mapping problem in SEEC.
PR 1865867: Cannot open SE dataset from RAC if previous SE session was unmanaged
PR 6420435: SEListCtrl Drag text is clipped.
PR 6558493: SEEC does not explicitly manage Image datasets and relationships
PR 6561132: SESE revise removes foreign datasets from new revision.
PR 6593898: Import Templates fails
PR 6595432: SE driven reference not read only when JT added to assembly from Teamcenter Library
PR 6595479: Open from MRU does not open from Teamcenter but checks out the dataset
PR 6601065: SEEC BVR synchronization incorrect following IPA Save Copy
PR 6420435: Fixed a problem with SEListCtrl Drag text is clipped

