Solid Edge ST7 SDK
Solid Edge ST5 MP1 - What's New
Problem Reports
Item Description
PR 1903366 Replace via API does not work as via User Interface
PR 1906499 No pattern in the 3D PDF (Test Case Specific)
PR 6758285 Add in groups and tabs remain after manually disconnecting an addin
PR 6764639 Implemented API GetRayIntersections for PartDocument
PR 1875930 API: wrong Text Box Width and Weight when adding multi line text
PR 1905243 Error in API Function SolidEdgeDraft::SectionsPtr->Count
PR 2201877 API: Parents Object of the fill pattern cannot be acquired
PR 6775244 Unpinned add-in docking pane can have incorrect text displayed
PR 1909277 ST5 license manager doesn't install on 2003 server
New APIs
See Also