Solid Edge Assembly Type Library
VirtualComponentOccurrence Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method DeleteDelete this Virtual Component occurrence.
Public Method GetOrigin
Public Method GetOriginByKeypoints
Public Method GetViewDefinition
Public Method HideHides the component selected.
Public Method HideAllHides the component selected and any components under it.
Public Method IsMaster
Public Method IsVisibleThis method returns True if the referenced object is visible and False if not.
Public Method MoveToMove this Virtual Component occurrence to a different Virtual Component.
Public Method PositionComponent
Public Method ReplaceComponent
Public Method SetOrigin
Public Method SetOriginByKeypoints
Public Method SetViewDefinition
Public Method ShowShows the component selected.
Public Method ShowAllShows the component selected and any components under it.
Public Properties
Public Property AngleThe angular rotation of the referenced object.
Public Property Application
Public Property AttributeSetsReturns the AttributeSets collection object for the referenced object.
Public Property IsAttributeSetPresentReturns True if a specified Attribute Set exists on the referenced object.
Public Property IsPositioned
Public Property IsPreDefined
Public Property NameRetrieve the name of the virtual component for which this is a Virtual Component occurrence.
Public Property Parent
Public Property TypeSpecifies the type of the object being referenced.
Public Property VirtualComponentRetrieve the virtual component for which this is a Virtual Component occurrence.
See Also

VirtualComponentOccurrence Object  | Solid Edge V17 - What's New