Solid Edge Assembly Type Library
Zone Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method AddPartsToSelectSetThis method adds all of the parts to the select set that satisfy the zone definition.
Public Method CopyToClipboardCopies the referenced object to the operating system clipboard.
Public Method GetPointsThis method returns six points that define the low and high corners of the box.
Public Method HideThis method hides the referenced object.
Public Method HidePartsThis method hides all parts that satisfy the zone definition.
Public Method IsVisibleThis method returns True if the referenced object is visible and False if not.
Public Method PopulateFromClipboardPopulates the zone from the operating system clipboard.
Public Method SetPointsThis method sets six points that define the low and high corners of the box.
Public Method Show
Public Method ShowOnlyPartsThis method shows only the parts that satisfy the zone definition. All other parts are hidden.
Public Method ShowPartsThis method shows all of the parts that satisfy the zone definition.
Public Properties
Public Property Application
Public Property NameReturns the name of the referenced object.
Public Property OverlapThis read-write property sets or returns the overlap for the zone.
Public Property Parent
See Also

Zone Object  | Solid Edge V20 - What's New