Solid Edge Draft Type Library
DetailEnvelope Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method BringForwardChanges the display order of the referenced object by moving it in front of the first object that obscures it.
Public Method BringToFrontChanges the display order of the referenced object by moving it in front of all other overlapping objects.
Public Method CopyPlaces a copy of the referenced object on the clipboard.
Public Method CutMoves the referenced object to the system clipboard.
Public Method DeleteDeletes the referenced object.
Public Method GetCaptionPositionReturns the x and y co-ordinates of the detail envelope's caption in sheet space.
Public Method GetCenterPointReturns the point that is the center of the referenced object.
Public Method RangeReturns the high and low range values for the referenced object.
Public Method SelectSelects the referenced object in the active window.
Public Method SendBackwardChanges the display order of visible objects by moving the referenced object so that it is in back of the first object behind it.
Public Method SendToBackChanges the display order of visible objects by moving the referenced object behind all overlapping objects.
Public Method SetCaptionPositionSets the x and y co-ordinates of the detail envelope's caption in sheet space.
Public Method SetCenterPointRelocates the center point of the specified object.
Public Properties
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property AttributeSetsReturns the AttributeSets collection object for the referenced object.
Public Property CaptionSets and returns the caption of the referenced object.
Public Property CaptionDefinitionTextSets and returns the definition text for the caption. Definition text can contain codes for Property Text and Symbols.
Public Property CaptionDisplayedTextReturns the text for the caption as displayed after processing Property Text and Symbols.
Public Property DetailViewReturns the detail view associated with the detail envelope.
Public Property DiameterSets and returns the diameter of the referenced object.
Public Property DisplayAsCircleSpecifies whether to always display the detail envelope as a circle, even when the envelope's geometry is not a circle.
Public Property DisplayCaptionSpecifies whether or not the caption of the referenced object is displayed.
Public Property DisplayStandardSpecifies the standard for displaying the detail envelope.
Public Property DisplayViewSheetNumberSets and returns whether the ViewSheetNumber definition string is displayed in the caption.
Public Property DocumentReturns the document to which the referenced object belongs.
Public Property IndexReturns the numeric index for the active object.
Public Property IsAttributeSetPresentReturns True if a specified Attribute Set exists on the referenced object.
Public Property KeyReturns a key (a string) to find the object relative to its owning parents.
Public Property LayerSets and returns the named layer on which the referenced object resides.
Public Property LineTypeSets and returns the line display type of the drawing view.
Public Property LineWidthSets and returns the line width (in paper space units) for the referenced object.
Public Property NameReturns the name of the referenced object.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property ProfileReturns the profile associated with the parent object.
Public Property SourceDrawingViewReturns the DrawingView object from which the detail drawing view is derived.
Public Property StyleNameSets and returns the name of the style that is applied to the referenced object.
Public Property TextColorSets and returns the color of the text for the caption of the referenced object.
Public Property TextFontSets and returns the text font of the caption of the referenced object.
Public Property TextFontStyleSets and returns the text font style of the caption of the referenced object.
Public Property TextHeightSets and returns the text height of the caption of the referenced object.
Public Property TextRatioSets and returns the text ratio of the caption of the referenced object.
Public Property TypeSpecifies the type of the object being referenced.
Public Property ViewSheetNumberDefinitionTextSets and returns the View Sheet Number (%VN) definition string. This is intended for use with %{View Sheet Number|DV} property text and may include other formatting options.
Public Property VisibleSpecifies whether or not the referenced object is displayed to the screen.
Public Property ZOrderSpecifies the front-to-back order in which an object is displayed relative to other objects.
See Also

DetailEnvelope Object