Solid Edge Draft Type Library
DraftFilePreferences Object Members
Public Properties
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property CenterOfMassBlockNameGets or sets the block used for center of mass. Use empty string to clear this property.
Public Property CoordinateSystemBlockNameGets or sets the block used for coordinate system. Use empty string to clear this property.
Public Property DVConfigChangesMakeViewsOutOfDate
Public Property DVCroppedEdgeProcessing
Public Property DVDeriveBendDirectionFromView
Public Property DVDeriveFillStyleFromPart
Public Property DVDeriveReferenceFromAssembly
Public Property DVDetailEnvelopeDisplayAsCircle
Public Property DVEdgeStyleNameGets or sets the drawing view edge styles for the specified edge type.
Public Property DVEnableAlternatingHatchAngle
Public Property DVEnableAlternatingHatchSpacing
Public Property DVHatchRibsInSectionViews
Public Property DVIncludePMIAnnotations
Public Property DVIncludePMIDimensions
Public Property DVNailboardSetDisplayWhiteWiresAsSpecifies the color for displaying white wires in nailboard drawing views.
Public Property DVProjectionAngle
Public Property DVReferenceComponentsByConfigurationsSpecifies whether show/hide settings are applied to reference components, e.g. ref planes, in drawing views using a configuration.
Public Property DVRetrieveDimensionsOnViewCreation
Public Property DVShowBoundaryEdges
Public Property DVShowCenterlines
Public Property DVShowDeformationFeatureOrigins
Public Property DVShowDeformationFeatureProfiles
Public Property DVShowDetailViewBorders
Public Property DVShowEdgesOfCuttingPlaneVertices
Public Property DVShowFillStyleInSectionViews
Public Property DVShowFillStyleInSectionWeldBeads
Public Property DVShowFlowlines
Public Property DVShowHiddenEdgesInConnectorViewsSpecifies whether hidden edges in nailboard connector drawing views are shown by default.
Public Property DVShowHiddenEdgesInOrthographicViews
Public Property DVShowHiddenEdgesInPictorialViews
Public Property DVShowHiddenEdgesInSectionViews
Public Property DVShowHiddenOtherEdgesInOrthographicViews
Public Property DVShowHiddenOtherEdgesInPictorialViews
Public Property DVShowHiddenOtherTangentEdges
Public Property DVShowHiddenTangentEdges
Public Property DVShowTangentEdgesInOrthographicViews
Public Property DVShowTangentEdgesInPictorialViews
Public Property DVShowThreadsInSectionOnlyViews
Public Property DVShowTubeCenterlines
Public Property DVSolidFillSectionWeldBeads
Public Property DVStyleNameFromTableGets/Sets the drawing view style name for a given element type in the drawing view style mapping table.
Public Property DVThreadDisplayMode
Public Property GRIDAngleSpecifies the grid angle.
Public Property GRIDDisplayGridModeSpecifies whether grid is displayed as points or lines.
Public Property GRIDMajorLineSpecifies the grid major line spacing.
Public Property GRIDMinorSpacesSpecifies the number of minor spaces per major grid space.
Public Property GRIDSnapToGridModeSpecifies whether to snap to points or lines.
Public Property NumberSheetGroupsSeparatelySpecifies whether sheet numbering is relative to all working sheets or to each sheet group.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property ViewerDataInclude2DModelSheet
Public Property ViewerDataIncludeBackgroundSheets
Public Property ViewerDataIncludeWorkingSheets
See Also

DraftFilePreferences Object  | Solid Edge ST4 - What's New