Solid Edge Draft Type Library
ModelMember Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method GetRange2dReturns the 2d range.
Public Method GetRange3dReturns the 3d range.
Public Properties
Public Property AlternatePositionMemberNameReturns the name of the alternate position assembly member that this ModelMember represents.
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property ComponentName
Public Property ComponentTypeReturns the component type for the ModelMember.
Public Property DeriveFillStyleFromPartSpecifies whether or not the fill style should be derived from the underlying part.
Public Property DisplayAsReferenceDisplays the specified parts as reference parts.
Public Property DisplayTypeSpecifies the display type for the ModelMember.
Public Property DVArcs2dReturns the DVArc2d collection of the ModelMember.
Public Property DVBoundaries2dReturns the drawing view hatch boundaries collection.
Public Property DVBSplineCurves2dReturns the DVBSplineCurve2d collection of the ModelMember.
Public Property DVCircles2dReturns the DVCircle2d collection of the ModelMember.
Public Property DVEllipses2dReturns the DVEllipse2d collection of the ModelMember.
Public Property DVEllipticalArcs2dReturns the DVEllipticalArc2d collection of the ModelMember.
Public Property DVLines2dReturns the DVLine2d collection of the ModelMember.
Public Property DVLineStrings2dReturns the DVLineString2d collection of the ModelMember.
Public Property DVPoints2dReturns the DVPoint2d collection of the ModelMember.
Public Property FileNameReturns the file name for the referenced object.
Public Property FillStyleNameSpecifies the style used for the fill on sectioned parts.
Public Property GraphicMembersReturns the GraphicMember collection of the ModelMember.
Public Property HatchAngleSets and returns the hatch angle that is applied to the selected parts. This value is always in radians.
Public Property HatchSpacingSets and returns the hatch spacing that is applied to the selected parts. This value is always in millimeters.
Public Property HiddenEdgeStyleNameSets and returns the name of the hidden edge style that is applied to the referenced object.
Public Property ImmediateParentReturns the immediate parent for the referenced object.
Public Property IsAlternatePositionSpecifies whether or not this ModelMember represents an alternate position of an alternate position assembly..
Public Property IsFlatReturns True if the ModelMember represents a flat sheet metal part.
Public Property IsPrimaryAlternatePositionSpecifies whether or not this ModelMember represents the primary position of an alternate position assembly.
Public Property IsSimplifiedReturns True if the ModelMember represents a simplified part.
Public Property ModelMembersReturns the ModelMember collection of the ModelMember.
Public Property ModelNodeReturns the corresponding ModelNode object.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property ShowEdgesHiddenByOtherPartsSpecifies whether edges hidden by other parts are to be displayed.
Public Property ShowEdgesHiddenTangentEdgesHiddenByOtherPartsSpecifies whether tangent edges that are hidden should be displayed. This setting can be set to TRUE only if ShowEdgesHiddenByOtherParts is set to TRUE.
Public Property ShowEdgesHiddenTangentEdgesSelfHiddenSpecifies whether tangent edges that are hidden should be displayed. This setting can be set to TRUE only if ShowHiddenEdges is set to TRUE.
Public Property ShowFillSpecifies whether or not the fill will be shown on sectioned parts.
Public Property ShowHiddenEdgesSpecifies whether hidden edges are to be displayed.
Public Property ShowSectionHatchSpecifies whether section hatches are to be displayed.
Public Property ShowTangentEdgesSpecifies whether tangent edges are to be displayed.
Public Property TangentEdgeStyleNameSets and returns the name of the tangent edge style that is applied to the referenced object.
Public Property VisibleEdgeStyleNameSets and returns the name of the visible edge style that is applied to the referenced object.
See Also

ModelMember Object