Solid Edge Draft Type Library
ModelWeld Object Members
Public Properties
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property BottomNote1Sets and returns the Bottom Note 1 text for the referenced object.
Public Property BottomNote2Sets and returns the Bottom Note 2 text for the referenced object.
Public Property BottomNote3Sets and returns the Bottom Note 3 text for the referenced object.
Public Property BottomNoteAngleReturns the bottom note angle of the referenced ModelWeld object.
Public Property BottomNoteCSizeReturns the bottom note compound size of the referenced ModelWeld object.
Public Property BottomNoteDepthReturns the bottom note depth of the referenced ModelWeld object.
Public Property BottomNoteZSets and returns the Bottom Note Z text for the referenced object.
Public Property BottomPosOffsetReturns the bottom position offset of the referenced ModelWeld object.
Public Property BottomTreatmentTypeSets and returns the treatment display style to use for the bottom treatment portion of the referenced object.
Public Property BottomTypeSets and returns the bottom type for the referenced object.
Public Property BottomTypeCompoundReturns the bottom weld compound symbol type of the referenced ModelWeld object.
Public Property CenterTypeSets and returns the center type for the referenced object.
Public Property CrossSectionAreaReturns the cross-sectional area of the referenced ModelWeld object.
Public Property DashLineSets and returns the relative position of the dash lines for the referenced weld symbol object.
Public Property LengthSpecifies the length of the referenced object.
Public Property OffsetTopBottomSpecifies whether the top and bottom weld types are offset or aligned.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property SymmetricalSpecifies whether or not the referenced object is symmetrical.
Public Property TailSpecifies whether the less than symbol appears at the end of the breaklline.
Public Property TailNoteSets and returns the tail note text.
Public Property TailNote2Sets and returns the tail note text for the referenced ModelWeld object.
Public Property TopNote1Sets and returns the Top Note 1 text.
Public Property TopNote2Sets and returns the Top Note 2 text.
Public Property TopNote3Sets and returns the Top Note 3 text.
Public Property TopNoteAngleReturns the top note angle of the referenced ModelWeld object.
Public Property TopNoteCSizeReturns the top note compound size of the referenced ModelWeld object.
Public Property TopNoteDepthReturns the top note depth of the referenced ModelWeld object.
Public Property TopNoteZSets and returns the Top Note Z text.
Public Property TopPosOffsetReturns the top position offset of the referenced ModelWeld object.
Public Property TopTreatmentTypeSets and returns the display style to use for the top treatment portion of the referenced object.
Public Property TopTypeSets and returns the top type for the referenced object.
Public Property TopTypeCompoundReturns the top weld compound symbol type of the referenced ModelWeld object.
Public Property WeldAllAroundSpecifies whether or not the 'weld all around' display style is included in the referenced object.
Public Property WeldBeadWeldImportSpecifies the weld import status of the referenced weld bead.
Public Property WeldBeadWeldmentShapeSpecifies the weldment shape of the referenced weld bead.
Public Property WeldBeadWeldmentTypeSpecifies the weldment type of the referenced weld bead.
Public Property WeldBeadWeldStandardSpecifies the weld standard of the referenced weld bead.
Public Property WeldBeadWeldTypeSpecifies the weld type of the referenced weld bead.
Public Property WeldInFieldSpecifies whether or not the 'weld in field' display style is included in the referenced object.
Public Property ZSymbolSpecifies whether or not the Z weld symbol modifier is included in the referenced object.
See Also

ModelWeld Object